Chapter 24~Possessiveness

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*Elizabeth's POV*

My next class of the day was English, my favourite subject. We managed to survive the chaotic halls and find our lockers but we were 20 minutes late. I normally wouldn't care but it was my favourite class so I was excited about it. Following the boys, as they scouted out their lockers, Sydney gave me the rundown on the school. The good teachers and the bad teachers, the popular kids and the rich kids. She basically explained the entire school social chain and told me who to be nice to and who to hate. I listened but soon names began to blur together so I gave up and just continued smiling and nodding.

It's like what those penguins say "Smile and wave boys, smile and wave!" Except in my case, it was smile and look entertained.

Reaching the class I smiled, my excitement and preparation bubbling away. Mason took Sydney's delicate hand, leaving her flustered and breathless. Something was going on with those two and I plan to find out, but for now, it would have to wait. Gripping Chase's hand, I twisted the handle and took my first step into the class. Like before head swivelled our way and eyes assessed us warily. Girls ogled Chase and Mason and glared at Sydney and I. Boys scanned me up and down but were taken aback at Sydney's presence. Sydney spotting their harsh gazes flinched, causing Mason to tense. Angry at their judging looks I strutted up to the bewildered teacher with Chase at my side. "We're in your English class and we had some problems finding our lockers so we apologize for being late." I told her, my voice confident and authoritative. The teacher was speechless at my statement but her mind soon caught up and she glared at me "As you should be, no one is late to my class. So make sure you are on time from now on!" she forcefully told me, her eyes taunting me. Just then the door was smashed open and in walked in Dylan.

Ironic really, it was just the person I least wanted to see who decided to break the rule about lateness. It was typical.

At his grand entrance, he received swooning signs from the girls and hard looks from the teacher and the guys. I couldn't keep my eyes off him however, he'd obviously been in the shower. His body glistened with soft droplets of water and his shirt clung to him like glue. Noticing my gaze he smirked before turning to head to the back of the room. Chase figured out my subject of attention and squeezed my hand with an almighty grip. I squeaked and jumped away, peering at Chase's now guilty face. The teacher coughed rudely "Now as I was saying do not be late to my class!" she glared at Dylan, who sat smugly in his desk. "You can sit over there for now!" she told us, pointing to a row of five chairs. Mason and Sydney began to head over and I began to follow them, but I couldn't let go what she'd told me earlier. I stopped, spun around and confronted her "Hey miss whatever your name is, just some advice if you want to teach successfully you need to earn some respect from your students!" I sneered. Most of the students gasped but then began laughing at the teacher's now embarrassed face. I felt a tad bit guilty at the harshness in my words but it was the truth, she would get nowhere the way she was going. Without waiting for her permission Chase led me to our seats. The class passed smoothly on, apart for the occasional glare from the teacher. When the bell rung I almost cheered, it was finally lunch. This time knowing to expect the crowded hallways I rushed out the door, Chase, Mason and Sydney alongside me. We managed to locate the canteen in no time, thanks to Sydney's knowledge. Now the decision that worries everyone, where do they sit? The buzzing of voices and loud shrieks from girls trickled from the bottom of the grand doors "Hey Syd is the food here good?" I asked, my voice low. She nodded and relief swept through me. Good, then I won't starve. I turned to Chase "What was that earlier In English? Were you jealous?" I chuckled. His face frowned for a minute but then as he figured out I was joking he smirked "What no! What is there to be jealous of? Look at all this?" he joked, motioning at his athletic body. I only smiled it was good to have my best friend here! Together we pushed open the doors. The canteen was packed. Students spilled off old tables, and wind billowed in thorough open patio doors. No one saw us, which I was extremely thankful for. We went and stood in the queue, as my impatience and hunger grew. When it came to my turn I opted for an orange juice and a plate of French fries. Once we all had our lunches we made a group vote, well more like I told everyone, that we would go and sit out in the sun. It was less crowded outside but unlike our entrance to the canteen, everyone froze and watched us. I scanned the crowd and judging by their looks and clothes, they were the rich and popular kids. Not everyone had stopped and I spotted Dylan and his pack mates among those people. Making a bold statement I started walking towards Dylan. Now don't get me wrong I still hated him but we honestly had nowhere else to sit and we couldn't sit alone because there were no empty tables. Jake, his beta spotted me first and nudged his friends. Dylan who had his back to me looked confused at his friend's distraction. He turned his body towards me and once again I was entrapped in his enticing eyes. The mate connection sparked between us and my wolf began howling in pleasure. Pulling my eyes away from his was the hardest thing I've ever done "I was wondering if we could sit with you guys as we don't know anyone else?" I asked, throwing on my puppy dog eyes. Silence reigned over the table but then Jake spoke up "Of course you can!" he replied, eyeing Dylan warily. Dylan turned abruptly back to the table muttering "Yeah whatever!" Silence followed his not so discrete sentence. Jake scooted over to make room for us. Shrugging at their weird behaviour I slid into the seat only to be pulled into the lap of Chase. I was surprised that was sure but also confused why was Chase acting like this? Possessive, protective and jealous? It was very strange, definitely going on my list of mysteries. I was so caught in my thoughts I didn't notice the intense stare off Dylan and Chase were having. I unknowingly broke up the brewing fight however when I opened my mouth "So what are your names?" I asked cheerfully, ignorant to the tension now surrounding the table. Jake lent forward "Well you know me and Dylan of course but this is our other best friend Valentino. Valentino meet Elizabeth and the twins; Chase and Mason. Sadly I don't know this lovely young woman's name thought." He announced. At his last sentence, Mason possessively placed his arms around a worried-looking Sydney. Seeing her fright and Mason's anger I called "Jake leave her alone, she's really shy. Thanks for the introduction, it's nice to meet you, Valentino." I told him, grinning. For the rest of the lunch break, I was introduced to everyone but during it all, I kept note of Dylan's quietness. Maybe it was the worried stares from Jake or me ignoring him but it was clear that Dylan was fed up as he got up hastily and left.

That left a very awkward situation to explain.

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