Chapter 43- Stalker

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*Clarity's POV*

I didn't realize we were being tracked at first. It started when I saw the reflection in the coffee shop window. I was sitting twirling my hair, waiting patiently for Liz to return with our milkshakes, when I caught sight of the strange man in the dark trench coat. I mean he looked really suspicious with his coat, after all the villains in the movies wore trench coats. The impact of glass being placed quickly in front of me had the concerned thoughts vanish. The sweet nectar known as banana milk shake trickled into my mouth. This was my favourite coffee shop, as not many others make or sell banana beverages. The refreshing drink cooled my scratchy throat and provided a sugar rush to awake my tired body. So far we'd been shopping for only a couple of hours yet we'd explored so many shops I'm surprised it didn't take us hours! "So Clarity do you what to try a few more shops before we head home?! I want to set up for the movie night!" Asked Liz, frustration and excitement overwhelming her. Nonetheless I was paying no attention to her enthusiastic words, my thoughts and mind focused in the strange man who lurked nearby watching us carefully, assessing our every move. Elizabeth repeating my name brought me back and I leant over, forcing a gritted smile in my face " Liz don't look now but that guy over there has been following us most of the day and is watching us. It's creepy and I think we should go home!" I hushed. Elizabeth took one look at me and burst out laughing back from me. I reclined back against the counter, arms crossed, to show I was very annoyed at her disregard "So you're not going to believe me?!" I questioned, hurt at her distrust and doubt. Elizabeth quietened when she saw my face and sobered up "Okay so I see no guy now but if this is serious we can go home soon. Let's just go to one more shop so it doesn't look planned and then we can leave! Okay?" She compromised. I nodded, not entirely happy but not upset either. Slurping the rest of my smoothie was not as enjoyable now I was aware of our shadow but I kept my opinions to myself. Once we were done we grabbed our things, paid and then left. The thrill of shopping soon returned and I eased back a bit. We'd be home soon! Let's just pray we made it...

~An hour later~

As I rubbed the soles of my blistered feet I groaned at the throbbing feeling I still felt along my back. Shopping sure wore you out. The car moved beneath me as we sped along the narrow country lanes. That's when that feeling came back, the feeling of being watched. The little hairs on the back of my neck rose up like static electricity. I swing my head spend desperate to catch the predator in the act. At first I skimmed over him but then I saw the flash of his undercoat as his turned. I only manage to glimpse a mass of curly locks but I knew without a doubt that the hair belonged to the man i's spotted earlier. Tugging on Elizabeth's sleeve I caught her distracted gaze "Liz the guy I told you about relief, here's over there! We need to leave!" I hissed. Something must have finally snapped in her brain as her eyes widened and a hint of fear appeared in her pupil. That little visa me speck of fear didn't stay long though, quickly dissolving. Taking no chances I grabbed her wrist and started speed walking away, submerging into the dense crowd. Jolted Elizabeth locked her feet solidly against the ground, refusing to budge. Even though I was a high ranking werewolf with extra strength she was a royal and a very powerful one. Falling back I pleaded with her, hopeful to get a reaction. Her mind caught up as she realized the precarious situation we were in and she nodded her head, signaling she understood what I planned to do. Together, disguised as gossiping teenagers, we stumbled away.

We didn't stop until we were in close range to the exit. Relaxing slightly I collected my breath and repeated my earlier words. Adrenaline coursing through her she looked elegant yet deadly. I was glad to be her friend, I definitely didn't want to be on the wrong side of her. Exiting the shopping Centre, weighted down with bags anyone would think we were two normal friends, but really we were two girls worried about a potential stalker. Not exactly normal but then again we are werewolves. Unlocking the car we heaved our bags in and jumped in. It was hard getting out of the car pack as it seemed everyone was waving right when we were. While I drove Elizabeth looked around and thankfully could locate the mysterious guy. Eventually we pulled out and set off home. The roads were quiet but we still worried. When we were mere meters from the grand gates that would lead I so safely I heard the rev of a loud engine approach us. I looked at Elizabeth who looked scared. Focusing on the road I pressed my foot down. I heard Elizabeth's gasp but didn't turn to check, instead increasing the speed. The quick movement of the car threw Elizabeth back against her seat, forcing her we sight forward. Entering the gates I breathed a sigh of relief, no matter the ordeals from today, we were now safe.

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