Chapter 47~Mistaken identity

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*Clarity's POV*

The first thing I heard when I woke up was the shouts of my best friend. "I'm going to kill you!" She screamed, her voice strained. "You coward you ran away from me, abandoning your pack and only son! You traitorous piece of scum!" She hissed. My clammy hands gripped the soft sheets unintentionally as her tone spiked. "Look Liz calm down and let me explain!" Begged Lily. Silence vibrated across the room broken only by the groan I attempted to suppress. Naturally at my noise all the attention shifted to me. I could vaguely make out dark shapes with my dimmed vision which seemed to be steadily returning. I felt Liz before I saw her, her small arm gripping my shoulder. "How are you feeling?!" She asked frantically, feeling my forehead up and down. I struggled tirelessly to speak but It seemed my voice was only slowly returning. However I managed to stutter out a almost unheard "water please" Before I collapsed back into the messy bed. Almost as if she'd read my mind Liz produced a glass of chilled water along with a Tylenol. Chugging it down I felt the deep pressure on my temple, Which I never knew was even there, lighten off. As I pushed myself upright, I quickly observed the room. Surprisingly there was only Liz, her sister and the guy she was arguing with present. I had expected the room to be suffocating but to be reasonable it was spacious and relaxing. My curious eyes locked onto the stranger. He wore a long dark trench coat and his wrinkled face looked unshaven and unclean. To a normal passerby he looked normal but to my trained eyes he looked like a threat. I could now see why Elizabeth was cautious.

Look I know you're being tough in front of us all but are you really okay? You had me really worried! Mind linked a stony faced Elizabeth.

Although her sudden intrusion shocked me I kept my eyes focused as much as I could as I replied.

I'm fine thanks. Now tell me who is this guy? He looks unstable? Has your sister given him permission to be here? I pressured her.

She caught my flashing eyes and calmed my raging emotions. Standing up she turned to face her quiet sibling "That is what I want to know?! Why is this man still alive?! He killed our parents and you allowed him, without guards may I add, onto our private grounds? Are you insane?" Listening to her screams I gaped at Elizabeth as realization sunk in, the reason she has been arguing was because this person standing in front of me was the murderer of Elizabeth's parents...

*Lily's POV*

She wouldn't listen. No matter how much I tried to protest and interrupt she wouldn't even let me speak! I had prepared a speech to help explained everything but then her unexpected early return messed everything up. When I first heard the story I was in disbelief but then when the facts rolled in I rethought it all. Autopsy had originally confirmed that a blade killed my parents but as new evidence was brought to light It was discovered that it was actually poison. I spent many late night doing countless tests and then I finally hit the jackpot. No matter any grudge this man may have had for my parents he wasn't the murderer. The scary thought was that the real killer was still out there. One thing I was sure of was that the man in front of me was innocent.

My sidetracks thoughts left me withdrawn from the world but a loud irrational cough brought me to a jarring stop. The disruption was Elizabeth, who was currently staring at me, clearing her throat. Knowing she was expecting me to talk I opened my mouth, prepared for my hopefully convincing speech, and began.

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