Chapter 3~ The Intruder

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*Elizabeth's POV*

Disbelief, shock and a hint of jealousy flashed across my sister's face but she quickly covered it up with a full-blown smile. "So you finally found him... And you tried to kill him!" Her frown quickly turned upside down as she swatted the top of my head. Surprised, I tensed up and opened my mouth to whine and complain but I closed my mouth once I caught sight of my sister's grim face "I do have some important news and you may not like it!" she explained. Before she could continue on, I interrupted her "Oh come on can't it wait, I just got back and I want to spend some fun time with my sister!" I complained. She looked guilty for a minute but she shrugged it off when she saw my childish pout. "Oh okay! Now it's time for me to get you back for all the pranks you pulled on me. Watch out sis, it's on!" she smirked before she turned and ran. Smiling I got up and followed her, Oh yes it's war!

~4 hours later~

I have been setting up my prank for ages and now I could see it in action. As the doorknob turned I raised the camera in anticipation, ready to click away. But when the door opened and revealed my pranked victim, it wasn't who I expected. It was a very mad Lauren. Honey dripped down her fuming face greeted soon after by the downpour of feathers. Silence echoed around me before she let loose a loud screech. Covering my ears I only just caught her muffled words "Curse you! I'll get you! Just you watch your back!" She retorted, I shuddered fearfully, unaware of what punishment I would soon receive. I remember the last one like it was yesterday.....


As I sat down at the table something felt wrong but I shrugged it off and dug it to the steaming platter of food in front of me. The food was melting in my mouth and my taste buds exploded in glory but my temporary heaven was torn apart when I reached for my ice drink. I gagged at first and my sister noticed and began patting me on the back rapidly! Then the burning came...I sneezed as the liquid started heating in my mouth and I had to rush away to the bath to spit the burning drink away! After I managed to spatter water down my parched throat and all over me I stopped and realized just who had pulled the prank..... Lauren!

-End of memory-

Now that is why I'm scared of Lauren and her revenge pranks. I quickly shook my head to rid myself of the daze I was in and crept into the closest room available which just so happened to be my sister's room. I pushed open the door and was surprised to feel the unmistakable touch of ice-cold water drench me from head to toe. I admit I stayed reasonably calm that was until I caught sight of the camera. That's when I freaked! I lunged at my sister and she turned and ran, Camera swinging back and forth from her neck. We must have looked like crazed lunatics but honestly, I hadn't had this fun in ages! We sprinted outside into the front grounds, just as I began to gain on her. Everything was going well until we caught sight of the crowd ahead. My sister being the graceful women she is managed to slow to a respectable pace and approach but I had no such luck! Due to my momentum, I ended up barging through the crowd and falling on the ground at the feet of someone! I looked up drenched, my clothes stuck to me in a very unladylike like fashion, and into the familiar deep green eyes that I never wanted to see again.

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