Chapter 37~ I'm not weak

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*Elizabeth's POV*

The room smelled like leather and coffee, which bought a familiar comfort to me. David poured two cups of what I guessed was coffee before lowering himself into a reclining armrest. I took the cup, even though I had no intent to drink it, and jumped right into my hastily prepared speech. "So I want to take a break from court, just to get awa...." My rant was ruined when David stood abruptly up and turned to walk away. I stared, astonished at his rudeness and confused at his reaction. David understanding the halt in my words spun around and clamped my head over my protesting mouth before speaking "So the answer to your question is no. I will not give you an assignment. I don't want you to scream and demand why I said no, I think you already know why." He ordered. I stood gobsmacked as he redrew his hand from my mouth. "You don't understand! I can't stay here not with Chase and Dylan. I can't focus and my emotions are a mess!" I yelled. David stood, arms crossed, unimpressed with my outburst "No you don't understand! Going away on an assignment will only make the situation worst!" He told me, his voice gruff and fierce. I nodded, shrinking back from his ferocious tone. He noticed my movement and huffed "Look I know it will be hard for you but you're a strong woman and you can cope!" he complimented. A smile graced my face at his obvious trust in me and that's when it all clicked. Everything I'd done since Dylan had arrived was basically something the old me would have done. Sure I had forgiven Dylan for his father's wrongdoing but that doesn't mean he can start controlling me. A powerful feeling started to bubble in my stomach and my veins steeled in determination. I was not going to be controlled and bossed around. I would be strong, I would be independent. I pushed the walls up the around my heart and with new boundaries looked straight into the eyes of David. "I'm going to stay here. Thanks for the advice, it really helped." I told him. With those words, I spun around and walked into my new life.

~Some time later~

Feeling more alive than ever I strolled through the palace and to my room. As I entered the deserted hallway I suddenly decided I would go and shoot. Walking down to the range I relaxed my tense muscles.  Now it knew it would be tricky with my splint but not impossible as my wrist was locked in a straight position on my left hand which was holding the bow. The cooling air whistled through my ears as silence descended upon me. Switching the flickering lights on, I grabbed my recurve takedown bow. I debated whether or not to put my sights on but chose to go gap shooting. Attaching my wrist guard and finger glove I grabbed some aluminium arrows and headed out. The target weren't no ordinary targets. There was a mix of human dummies and foam animals. This is what 3D shooting really is. Taking my time I nocked my bow and raised it up, focusing on the heart. Now from my training, I knew my arrow had to be extremely accurate if I wanted to get through to the centre of the heart. Not only did it have to have enough power to drive through the flesh it also had to pierce the ribs as well. The strain of the taut bowstring began to pull at my arms but I held my ground. As my arms started to ache and wobbler I pulled a last hint of strength into my arms and releases the arrow. Time slowed down as I watched the well-aimed arrow penetrate the chest.

The clocking night grew shorter and shorter as light began to arise on the horizon. I don't know how many hours had passed and how many arrows I'd shot. The stress, worry and confusion form this last week disappeared and I heaved a dramatic sigh of relief. Weirdly though I didn't feel tired but I knew I wouldn't agree in the morning. Once my bow was stored property I headed off to my room. The rising sun created a surreal look to my sliver coloured walls as I swung open the door. Wanting to feel clean, I stripped off and showered. Voices began to form in the edge of my brain as I got out and prepared for bed.  For the first time in weeks, I had a clear focused head and I used the gratifying bliss to help lure my tired body into a heavy sleep.

One thought remained with me as my eyelids closed

It had taken me four weeks since I first met Dylan to overcome my rattled emotions for him but I'd finally done it. I finally got over Dylan Waters

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