Chapter 6~ The meeting

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*Elizabeth's POV*

The sight wasn't the thing that shocked me, no the thing that caused me the most pain was the sudden silence of my wolf, she had been bubbling with energy earlier and now she was as deflated as a popped balloon. Seeing my mate with another woman was taking a toll on her. The two people sucking each other's faces off didn't seem to notice my entrance so I took the opportunity to plug my headphones in and run outside. The howl of pain that echoed through my head followed by the gentle whines of Scarlet pained me. I could feel every emotion of her swirl around, but what use was crying over him going to be? I bet he was still smooching with that girl not caring so why should I care? I turned the volume up higher and ran. Beautiful colours whizzed by, leaves fluttered down from the dying trees and the sweet sound of bird calls floated with the breeze. I lost track of time but thankfully my saviour; my stomach decided it was time to go back so I turned back the way I came. The sun was high in the sky when I arrived, my sister came running down to meet me "Hey sis how was your run? You know I would have come had you told me!" she commented. I looked at her disappointed face "Well I wanted you to spend some time with your mate before we spent our day together!" I pointed out. She flicked her long blond hair out the way and smiled, her eyes sparkling with happiness I haven't seen for months. "Well thank you I had a wonderful time!" Then together we walked into the palace, "So late last night the Blood Water pack arrived and they headed straight to bed. There will be a meeting in ten minutes in the throne room so we can formally meet them so you may want to change!" She commanded. I smiled before asking "So what is going to be done about the mate situation?" at this she smirked. "Well apart from who was present yesterday NO one knows including that jerk Mark so we're going to announce it when we meet! Have to go now! See you soon!" She answered, satisfaction evident in her voice. That means I can finally be rid of that pig!

As I walked up to my room I skipped, planning my revenge for all those times Mark has insulted me. I was so hard in thought I didn't notice the brick wall I walked into and I fell down in a very unladylike fashion. I landed with a big "Oof!" I peered up confusion on my face as I searched for the wall but came face to face with none other than Jake. "We have to stop meeting like this!" he chuckled, offering a hand. I gratefully took it before noticing him looking me up and down I immediately blushed thinking of what I was wearing. He tore his gaze from me to my face "Umm I think we're supposed to be at a meeting right about now?" he asked, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen between us. I nodded and then panicked "But look at what I'm wearing! I can't go in like that!" I exclaimed. He pondered for a minute before dashing off. I stood stunned for several minutes before I heard rapid footfalls coming my way "Here take my shirt! It's the best option you've got!" he puffed. I almost choked but before I could protest I was pulled along down the hallway. Deciding I had no choice in the matter I pushed his sweet-smelling shirt over my head, struggling to do that and keep pace with Jake. Finally, we reached the hall and I heard my sister's voice echo around elegantly "Today has been a great day for us all, and I have very important news......" Before she could utter another word Jake threw open the door and we tumbled in, the momentum propelling us forward and right into the middle of the throne room...

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