Chapter 55~ Interrogation

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*Elizabeth's POV*

I couldn't tear my eyes away, no matter how much it pained me to watch Dylan fighting. Yeah you guessed it, I was rooting for Dylan. I don't know exactly when my views on him changed, whether it was when he took me on my first date or whether it was when he took the time to stay and comfort me. As I stood there watching the fight I was sure of only one thing in this world, and that was that I had fallen For Dylan Waters. Watching him defend me so furiously was heart wrenching. The fact that he would put himself into danger for me was something on its own. If it weren't for my royal senses I would have not heard the door swing open and I would not have smelt the one person I feared the most. Sensing danger my wolf automatically called out to Xavier but it was my scream of fear that got through and affected him the most. Dropping every defense when had he rushed over to me, his eyes scanning me for any harm. Reassured of my physical state he turned to surveyed the room, his eyes wandering over every nook and cranny. Unconsciously I moved my body into his safe embrace just as his eyes locked onto to the intruder at the door "Dylan that's the guy. The guy that's been following and watching us!" I whimpered out, fear undoubtedly in my voice. The fact that this one guy could inspire fear in me, a royal wolf, was scary and I hated myself for it. My words must have impacted Dylan greatly as he pulled me in for a soothing hug. Once he was sure that I was okay he turned quickly around to face the mysterious yet familiar guy. However before he could even speak the guy decided to blow his cover "Hey Dylan did I interrupt you? I hope not, I want to make a good first impression, besides I want to properly introduce myself to your beautiful mate!" He smirked at us. At his last words I knew chaos would soon erupt. Dylan reacted so quickly I almost missed it, he stepped forward and lunged. Immediately I reached forward and caught him, gripping his waist with my royal strength. Surprised at my forceful restriction Dylan slacked off, probably in the hopes of not harming me. "Liz what's wrong? Why are you stopping me? This guy is a psychotic stalker and He needs to be dealt with!" He yelled, his voice raising. Offended at his tone I stood up straight, my back rigid, before answering "Listen here, I won't have you going off at him like that! We need to confine him and take him somewhere secure before we question him, He may have information of some form, and we might need him!" I commanded. "Guards take him away to the dungeons, make sure he's well-guarded and is away from any other occupied cells!" I ordered. The guards around us and outside the door instantly jumped into action, restraining and forming a barrier around the guy before slowly trekking towards the cells. I then turned to an opened mouthed Dylan who watched me in awe and shock. "Well don't just stand there and watch let's go fetch my sister!" I insisted, clicking my fingers for effect. Not waiting for a reply I turned around and paraded out the open doors towards where I suspected me sister would be; her study.

I located her pretty quickly and when I finally found her I wasn't surprised to hear she already knew about the intrusion. Without words we linked arms before proceeding elegantly but hurried down to the dungeons. When we arrived we were grated immediate entry but I discovered that Dylan had waited patiently outside, or a patiently as an alpha could wait, but had kept trying to bug the guards for details, to which they released none. His pestering halted meanwhile when he saw me. Forgetting every think from earlier he rushed to me, checking me over and questioning me for details. Shaking him off I simply told him "We're going to question him, do you want in or not?" I demanded. My serious tone must have spurred Dylan on as he viciously nodded. Just as we began to enter a flash caught my eye and I stopped, turning to face a very shocked Mason and Sydney. "How you did you see us? I moved with inhuman speed!" whined Mason playfully. Smirking I tapped my head "I'm just amazing like that!" I chuckled. Dylan had been watching us with amusement but then a shadow crossed his face "Wait is that vampire sucking kid Chase is not coming is he? If so I'll kill him!" remarked a very anger Dylan. Mason growled "Look Chase may have been an idiot and hurt Elizabeth but he's still my brother so don't insult him, Chase is not coming!" fumed Mason. It was only Sydney's squeezing of his hand that calmed him. She turned to me "Is it okay if we come in Liz?" she inquired hopefully. Nodding, I motioned to the guards to let them past. Gratefully I smiled at Sydney "Nice work, I've never seen his temper diffuse that quickly!" I whispered as she passed me. She continued on as if nothing happened but I could see the lightest blush on her face. Following the small procession we had assembled, I entered the dark musty dungeons. Oddly it was silent, not at all what I had expected. The guard led us slowly towards the furthest most guarded cell before they allowed us to look property at the man who had caused me so much grief.

The man who stood defenseless in front of me really surprised me. He was really only a young adult, probably only about a year older than me. He was good looking I had to admit but he was nothing compared to Dylan. He had a slight stub of a beard showing and had black curly hair. What startled me the most though was his striking deep green eyes which matched mine. Close up he look very familiar but I couldn't quite grasp who exactly he was. When he saw us he locked his eyes on mine and spoke deeply "So have you figured out who I am yet? Come on I know your recognize me!" He stirred up. Breathless I felt a sickening feeling rising up in me. That's when it clicked. I almost kicked myself, it all made sense. The black curly hair and the piercing green eyes that matched mine. How could I be so stupid? So taken away in my idiotically I didn't hear Dylan speaking, it was only when he coughed that broke my train of thought "Elizabeth do you know him?" he asked, curiosity and a little hint of jealously showing. "Yes she does!" whispered my sister as she stepped forward into the light. "She's knows him because he's our brother..." She murmured, her voice breaking. "His name is Carter Alexandra Knight and he's our brother!"

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