Chapter 60~ Answers

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*Elizabeth's POV*

I woke up cold. Every nerve I had in my body was tingling. In the dim light I could only see never-ending darkness. Somehow, don't ask how I know, I could tell that I was inside. At least I had some knowledge of my surroundings, which was reassuring at least. Feeling round I noticed the floor and wall supporting me was ice cold, meaning it must be some kind of metal, probably steel. Using the wall to lean against I attempted to push my way up into a standing position but midway I felt a tugging against my wrist. Sliding back into my original position I tested my wrist by slowly moving it outwards. After some exploring I discovered that the thing holding me back was chains. Just as I was about to test the chains reach the sound of footsteps echoed around seconds before a blinding light was switched on. Squinting with my eyes I just managed to make out a figure, male by the look of it. Slowly I lifted my hand, my eyes adjusting to the overhead light. Now that I could see I took the time to look around. The first thing I noticed was that Clarity wasn't here "Where's friend?" I quickly covered up. Hoping he wouldn't notice I carried on "Why am I here? Who are you?" I questioned. "Well darling your friend Clarity is fine, she's with my son at the moment. As for your other questions they will soon be answered. I'm simply here to welcome you to your new home!" he called, smirking. Hearing the taunt in his words I almost gagged "If you harmed my friend in any way I. WILL.KILL.YOU!" I grit out. Hearing my response he simply raised an eyebrow before he turned and walked back the way he came "The master will be in to see you soon!" He called out just as the lights flickered and died.

~Some time later~

I don't know how long has passed. Minutes, hour's maybe days. The darkness seemed to engulf any potential conversation or humming I attempted to distract myself with, so I soon gave up. Then as suddenly as last time I heard the footfalls of a person and I prepared myself for the incoming blinding of light. As expected it came and thankfully this time I managed to adjust quickly. Using my pretend vision loss as an advantage I took the time to analyze the person in front of me. However much my plan was working, it was all for nothing because as soon as I caught sight of the man outside my bars every thought fled from my mind. My captor and the supposed master was my brother. Although I felt shocked, really I think I subconsciously knew that he was behind all this somehow. Not wanting him to think I was weak I spoke first "As I asked your little servant earlier I want to know where Clarity is? Why am I here brother? What do you want from us?" I questioned, my voice rising and speeding up with resentment. My brother studied me for a minute "The funny thing is you actually mean it! You actually are concerned for your little friend? I mean she's not even a minor royal or from a good background buts she still your friend! It just shows what people have come to nowadays! If I were king this would never be allowed!" he exclaimed, sighing in exasperation. His words left me gob smacked "Wait so is that why you attacked us, because you wanted to be king?" I questioned. Carter, with no laughter in his eyes nodded.

Frozen I tried to connect the dots "Wait how are you even here? How did you escape the prison?" I confronted. He looked at me in disbelief "You really have too much faith in our sister's poor judgement! Really it was easy, all I did was pretend to choke on my food and they came running. It was during the attack so there were only two guards stationed outside, which I disabled easily. The hard part was getting out of the actual palace alive but my old friend Lucas waters helped me escape! Oh yes you know him don't you he's your mate's father! Well I do send my love to Dylan, I'm afraid his father died of a heart attack this morning." Carter told me in delight. Sickened I realized that he enjoyed this, he enjoyed killing people. Seeing my startled expression he spoke up "Well I suppose I better tell you about everything. So you were kind of right with your theories, Dylan's father didn't kill our parents. You were also right again, our sweet parents killed themselves. Why? I'm sure you know the rule of how power is passed down in royal's right? Well the present queen and king can choose their heir, usually their first born, to receive their powers or they can be stripped of them and those power bestowed upon the person who kills them. You see when they banished me I was upset at mummy and daddy so I decided to kill them, after all they denied me my rightful place as king. I gathered an army, which took about a year which was longer than expected. Now I didn't want to do the dirty work myself but I mean I had to have a backup in case my assassination went wrong. So I started visiting a nearby alpha, using my skills of persuasion I convinced him to let me use his lands whenever I wanted and I managed to convince him to take the wrap for me. Now at first this noble alpha refused and I had to stage a little accident for his wife to convince him. His name was Lucas Waters. His wife was attendant to the queen at the time and she died on a shift so if course everyone believed the very convincing grudge Lucas seemed to hold against your mother. That's why he was a great choice for my cover. The deal we had was that he had to run if he was questioned or felt he was being watched. Of course this was a great deal as it distracted you my dear sister and gave me some enjoyment watching your love drama. Anyway back to my story, so you see I have spies at court and one very close to your parents told me that the king and queen were going to their private cottage for the weekend with their family. Of course this was good news for me and so I set out. Sadly our parents caught on to my plan and killed themselves so that the power would be pasted into Lily who as planned was taken immediately into protective custody. Now when I arrived I had no idea of what had happened. My hit man informed me that leaving my parents like that would be suspicious so I had him make it look like a murder scene. Now I knew you would get distracted and want revenge so I was able to watch you easier as you were outside the barriers of protection but unfortunately I couldn't get to your sister. Our parents had suspected something like this happening for a while so they left in their will that Lily was to under guard at all times until she found her mate and became queen. Classic parents always spoiling everything right? Now I knew one of Lily's weaknesses was you, I mean you're her sister. So I watched you for weeks, getting to know your habits and stuff. Your life is quite boring actually and was very disappointing. Really you couldn't have put on a show? Anyhoo I'm bored of this history discussion so let's just get to the big stuff. I managed to get you alone, or as alone as I will ever find you and so I kidnapped you. Sound creepy yet? Look the whole point of this was so that you could be used as bait so that I could lure your sister out. Therefore resulting in me killing her and gaining her power. This means that I'll be king!" he proclaimed. I was silent for a minute, a mix of emotions swirling throughout me. This was an overload of information. My brother was truly a crazed mass murderer, everything about him was true. He was worst then the devil himself, he was death. Do you know when people say when you're overwhelmed, they say that one emotion always consumes you? Well that's exactly what happened to me. As my brother dropped the biggest bomb ever on me all I could do was laugh. Laugh until my sides burst. Laugh until there's no tomorrow. I was laughing in the face of death.

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