Chapter 33: The Mutts

Magsimula sa umpisa

I quickly swim to the banks. I hop out and get the bottles of water out. I kneel down my the water and fill them to the brim with water. I drop in some iodine, and then we wait.


''Hey, is it just me, or is it after getting very dark?" I mumble, staring longingly at the water. Five minutes. That's all.

''No, its after getting dark.'' Cato replies, slipping on his jacket. I copy in suite.

''Why do you think that is?" I question.

''Maybe it's the finale? I don't know" He mumbles, only loud enough so I'll hear him. I nod, silently.

We sit in silence for about five minutes, until I hand him the water bottle. "Drink up, if it is that, we don't want to be dehydrated" I smile.

He nods. ''I know, thanks Clo'' I fiddle with the cap on my bottle, before tugging off the cap. I put the bottle to my lips slowly. A single drop of water rehydrates my chapped lips. Hard and slightly sore.

I can't help but feel that my mouth and throat are having a party, when the cold, soft water gushes down me.

I let out a satisfactory sigh. Cato does too. I smile at him, then we start laughing.

Suddenly a sharp pain races through my body, all heading for one place. The dent. I immediatly rub my temple trying to soothe the pain. It does nothing. I begin to breathe deeper and quicker. God, Cato must think I'm in labour or something.

I feel the ground come up to meet me, and my eyes widen. Everything starts spinning, and I can't help but wonder if it was from the water, and Cato feels like this too.

''Clo, you ok?" Cato asks warily.

''Um, I think so?" I say, it turned out as a question though.

''What's wrong?" He asks. Panic clear in his voice.

''My -er dent is really sore." I stutter.

''How many fingers am I holding up?" Cato demands.

''Cato, this is stupid. It's just a migrane.'' I argue.

''How many Clove?" He sais 'Clove', so he's serious.

I squint my eyes. ''Um all four and your thumb?" I ask.

''No, only three. Clove, your dizzy?" I nod. He sighs.

''Sit down, we'll be fine here'' Cato says, pointing to a rock. I frown and cross my arms.

''Now!" Cato warns. I strangley enough let out a hissing sound, before stomping over to the rock, or boulder. I don't like rocks.


In the space of 20 minutes the sky has gotten roughly ten shades darker. To occupy myself, I fill my knife vest with knives, then slip on my jacket. I leave one in my hand.

Cato comes over and sits next to me. A loud snarl comes from behind us. I sit up straight.

''Clo, I know your angry at me, but you don't have to growl at me. Jeez'' he complains, throwing his hands in the air.

I pick up my long knife. ''Cato do you have the body armour on?" I whisper. ''Yeah, why?" The body armour was what was in our pack, we put them on before we left this morning. Its a black mesh that deflects everything. It covers everywhere except your feet, hands and head. I have mine on.

''Get your sword!" I whisper-yell. There's another snarl. ''What, why?" Cato yells.

''Shut up" I say angrily. He grabs his sword. ''Why?" He whispers.

''Because that wasn't me growling'' I whisper. There's another snarl. Cato immediately puts on his 'Game Face'.

It jumps out. It has a sleek coat. It has long canine teeth and is foaming at the mouth. Its relatively tall. Maybe about a meter tall. Approximately.

"Give me your knife Clove" I slowly hand him the knife. ''Now when I say run, run towards the cornuccopia. I got your back."

"Cato-" I start.

''RUN!!" Cato yells. I stand still for a second. The mutt pounces at Cato. I begin to run, like Cato told me. As I run, I hear a whimpering and then Cato's footsteps behind me.

He's along side of me in an instant. ''You ok?'' He puffs. ''Yeah''

''There's more, a lot more.'' Cato yells. ''Shit!" I curse. I pump my arms faster, Cato coping in suite.

We run for about fifteen minutes, mutts snapping at our heels the whole way. My legs are like jelly. My face is red and puffy. Beads of sweat mock me as they race down my hot skin.

We burst through the bushes into a clearing, the clearing along side the lake. The lake where Katniss and Peeta are drinking from. So Gingie died.

Katniss draws her bow and an arrow. She shoots at Cato's chest, but his armour deflects it. Her jaw drops, even further when we run past her, to the cornuccopia.

Cato races ahead of me and I hear Katniss scream when she sees the mutts.

Cato stops at the cornuccopia, bending over, knitting his fingers together. ''BOOST CLO!!" He yells.

I jump up on his hand and he boosts me up onto the roof of the cornuccopia. I then pull him up. I double over in exhaustion.

Katnis runs towards the cornuccopia, forgetting Peeta. When he yells, she sighs and runs back for him.

Then I see her. Blonde hair -or in this case fur. Emerald eyes. And a jewel studded collar, with the number 1. Glimmer.

Next to her is an extremely tall mutt. Dark eyes and fur. With a collar saying 11. Thresh.

Cato looks at me, eyes wide. He sees it too. Katniss scrambles up the side then struggles to pull up Peeta, Marvel snaps at his heels.

Cato charges at Katniss, causing her to fall, he pushes her head back and Rayna snaps at her.I swing my knifes at Peeta. Slashing him in the chest, he falls.

Cato picks him up and begins to choke him. Katniss, then grabs an arrow and aims it at his head. I panic. Blood drips from Cato's lip.

"Go on! Shoot, and we both go down and you win. Go on. I'm dead anyway. I always was, right? I couldn't tell that until now. How's that, is that what they want? I can still do this... I can still do this. One more kill. It's the only thing I know how to do, bringing pride to my district. Not that it matters." Cato says. Then slyly winks at me.


A/N- hope u enjoyed. Cliffhanger!. Will update on Saturday for the Last chapter of the arena :'(




clf xxx

CLATO FOREVER. Alexbelle will happen.

Dedicated to CoolStoryBro18 for my new amazing cover!!

Our Burning Love-A Clato Love/Survival Story <3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon