They leave and I go put on my swim suit and get in the pool. I chill outside and take in my surroundings. It's so gorgeous here. I see MaKayla coming outside with burgers. "I'm grilling Casha." "Alright girl." I say brushing her off. I really wanted to be alone but whatever. I need to call Mama Sharon and talk to my baby. I miss him. 30 minutes later I get out. "The burgers are almost done." "Okay MaKayla." I go into the room and shower.

Once I'm dressed, I check my phone and no calls or messages. I text Taty :Hey girl!: Taty: What's up girl?: :Not much, what you up too?: Taty:Chilling with Gabby: :Aww tell her I said hey.: Taty: I will how's vacation?: :Lol long story short crazy as hell: :What happen?: :Jr got me being nice to the troll for one, shit went crazy between me and Malik, hmm Jr being Jr...: Taty: What the hell has the world come to?: :Lmao. It's food involved with the troll, Malik and Jr ass on a fucking drug connect shit tonight: Taty: I didn't know Malik was into the game and you so greedy lol: :Same fucking thing I said.:

"The food is done Casha." Taty: That's crazy: "Okay MaKayla." :I'll text you later, the troll cooked. If you don't hear from me by tomorrow she poisoned me or some shit like that.: Taty: Lmao. Better pray before you eat that shit.: :Girl I need more than Jesus for this shit.: I get up and go into the kitchen. MaKayla made me a plate. "Thanks." "Your welcome." I make a cup of drink and sit at the table. This Strawberry Daiquiri is hitting. I look over the burger and fries. It looks normal.... "What kind of meat is this?" "Ground beef." "Ohhhh okay." She sits down with her plate. "Eat up." She bites her burger, while I watch.

This bitch is not about to kill me. "What Casha?" "Just call me Cay, and nothing." I bit my burger, it was alright. It needed some seasoning but I'm not dead. "Is it more of that drink?" "Yes you can have some. It's a strawberry daiquiri with alcohol." I say. "Okay." She say pouring herself some. "This is good." "I know right." 15 minutes later, "So what was up with you and Malik earlier, heard y'all yelling?" MaKayla asks. "That drug shit." "What you mad for?" "Neither one of them have any business even being involved in that shit." "They are grown, let them do them... Why you care so much?" "That's my boyfriend and baby father, am I not supposed to care? The question is why don't you care?"

"Jr is grown I can't control him." "Sure you don't." "I don't." "Maybe you don't now but let's recall what you did in the beginning of y'all relationship...." "The one during or after y'all relationship?" "Girl ima act like I didn't hear that" "Yes I advised him to seek custody and leave but other than that everything else was on him although he didn't seek full custody of Jayden." She says. "What the fuck did that shit have to do with you anyway?" I really needed to know. "I saw him doing better and you weren't in it." This bitch alcohol must be in kicking in and it's about to get her ass knocked out.

"And I suppose you were? Bitch please you don't even care about him. What the fuck you with him for?" "I do care about Jr and Jayden." "Don't bring my son into this." "I'm just saying. Jr could've done a lot better on a baby moma.... I'm just glad I was there to help his ass. All he did was talk about you." I swear I'm starting to see Red.

"Bitch you can't be doing that good of a job if he still coming to me. Better check my resume bitch, who he still running back too. You nor any other bitch will EVER take my place. No matter how hard you try you won't ever be Casha Harris. I swear I should knock yo ass out right now. Bitch you lucky I swear to God you are."

"Whatever Cay. I got Jr to leave your ass, I'm chilling reaping all the benefits. I must have been doing some good for him to against yo ass. You gotta give a bitch credit when it's due. It wasn't easy but somebody had to do it. Don't get me wrong, I like Jr a lot. But I like the money even more." I throw my fist in the middle of face and grab her head.

Malik and Jr walk in. "What's going here?" Jr asks. MaKayla grabs her face. If Malik didn't grab me this hoe face would be in the hardwood by now. "Let me go Malik." "Not till you chill. You don't need to catch a case." "Let me fucking go." I say snatching my arms away and going out the door.

Too many emotions were running through my mind right now. I want to fuck that bitch up so fucking bad. "Casha!" "What?!?" "Wait up..." "Go be with your girlfriend Jr." He comes up beside me. "What happen Cay?" "I was about the beat that bitch ass till y'all interrupted." "I'm talking about before that Love." "We were talking, and that bitch got some alcohol in her system and I guess she been saying everything she's been holding in." "What she say?"

"She was talking about how she convinced you to get a break up with me, how she saw you with better and you could have picked a better baby mama and how she reaping all the benefits. That bitch doesn't love you Jr she's only with you for the money." Talking about this is making me mad all over again. He puts his arm around shoulder and pull me into him. "They aren't like you Cay." "They won't ever be like me, I don't care if you have a thousand other girlfriends, they won't be me."

"I know baby. Your a special case real Special." I laugh, "Shut up." "I'm serious, your special in the head but relationship wise your special too." "Uh huh." "You are man, I haven't been with many girls. Your the only one who- like- I can't really explain it. It's indescribable..." "Hmm..." "Like I love you and I'm in love with you but we connect deeper than that." "We were together before Jr." "I know that, I wish we still were." "So you say." "I do, you my baby." "Yeah, yeah, that's what you say... You tell Taty the same thing?"

"I mean I have love for her, she's special to me too but your Cay. My life ain't been the same since you came into it." "Awww Jr." "Sweet shit huh?" He asks then laughs. "You can be when you want to." "I know.... You all good now baby mama?" "I'm straight I guess. Your girlfriend might die tonight." "Cayyyyy let it go." "No that bitch is disrespectful as fuck." "Forreal let it go, it's not worth it." "Hm." "So what was up with you and Malik?" He asks. "Some bullshit."

"Like?" "I asked since when he got in the game, and why he doing it." "It went good by the way." "So." "What else happen?" "I told him he can go play with his life if he wants but he shouldn't put you in it." "Damn Cay." "Damn Cay nothing." "You care that much?" I move his arm and go over some. "Maybe not if you have to ask."

He grabs me. "Aye... Chill." "I don't like it when you do that shit. You should know how much I care about you." "I just asked a question." "Is the answer not obvious Jr?" He doesn't answer me, he starts humming as we keep walking.

We get back in the house. I go into the room, and grab some clothes. "Cay" "Yes?" I answer Malik. "Where y'all go?" "Why?" "Just answer the question." "We didn't go anywhere." "I'm sorry about earlier, I shouldn't have raised my voice nor spoke to you in that manner." "Uhm mhm." "You owe me an apology too." "No I don't, I meant what I said." "Alright Cay." I go into the guest room and shower. I put my tv on and lay in the bed. This bed felt so comfortable. I call Mama Sharon, Jayden was sleep though.

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