Chapter 32- Here Comes The Bride

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Those Damn Salvatores

Chapter 32

Here Comes The Bride

(The wedding will be super quick coz i know nothing about them! and you'll find out who is at the wedding!)

Evie: Enough chat, get on with it woman! it is my wedding after all!

Me: What the hell? How are you here? Talking to me?! *Confused shifty look*

Evie: I got so annoyed with your talk I came out to tell you! GET ON WITH IT!


Sorry, i saw them in other peoples stories and they make me laugh.

Song Of Chapter- Science And Faith- The Script (8) You won't find heart and soul in the skies. (8)


I walked slowly down the aisle, with Julian on my arm. I saw Stefan in his suit and I swear, I fell in love with him all over again. His eyes lit up and he beamed when he saw me. I smiled and I had to keep reminding myself to stay in rhythm with the music. Stefan was wearing a blacky-grey suit and was standing next to his best man. Which was...Damon. He looked just as happy as Stefan and I was glad they were brothers again. We were almost there. Julian placed my hand in Stefans and the vicar began. (I know absolutely nothing about vows so bare with me!) The vicar read out the vows which we had to repeat. We changed 'till death do us part' for 'as long as we both shall live.' (TWILIGHT!)

"I do." I said, looking into Stefans eyes.

"I do." He said solemnly. The vicar pronounced us man and wife.

"You may now kiss the bride." He said. Stefan reached and held my face softly, he then leaned in an kissed me tenderly. The crowd stood up and cheers errupted. Stefan held me tightly to his side and we walked out together. I saw confetti flying everywhere and I heard Alaric telling everyone where to go for the reception. Stefan leaned down, his lips at my ear.

"I love you, Mrs Salvatore." He said softly. I smiled at my new name and looked up at him.

"I love you too, Mr Salvatore." I whispered into his ear. I saw people were starting to leave so we quickly got into the car. I leaned my head on his shoulder on the way there. "So you actually came." I said.

"Of course I did, you thought I'd back out?" He said.

"No, it just didn't feel real this morning." I confessed.

 "Does it feel real now?" He said huskily.

"It does, because I have a ring on my finger, and my name is Evelyn Salvatore." I smiled. He smiled aswell and his arm tightened around me.

"We're here." He said, opening the door. We got out and went inside. We arrived before the guests but Skye and Damon were there. Damon was talking to the barmaid about drinks and Skye was setting the table cloth straight.

"Wow." I said. There was a long white table with a cream cloth and and silver tablewear. Cream silk cloths over table and chairs. A wide dance floor with gold walls. On the walls, there were pictures of me and Stefan everywhere. In one, he had his arms wrapped around my waist and we were laying on a blanket in the sun.

"You like it?" Skye asked, coming over.

"It looks amazing." I gasped. Skye smiled and I heard cars pulling up outside. Me and Stefan went and sat down. Skye sat on my other side and Damon sat on Stefan other. Everyone came in and sat down. I saw Derek checking out the barmaid and I saw Saffron flick him on the head. I laughed and Saff smirked at me. I saw Bonnie, Elena, Alaric, Caroline, Jenna, Matt and Tyler. I had gotten to know them over time and they weren't as bad as I thought. I was suprised to see Tyler though, with the whole vampire-werewolf-hate thing. I saw a few faces I didn't recognise so they must of been Damon or Stefans friends or plus ones. Damon stood up and everyone went silent.

"Thank you all for coming today to see my little brother get married. Recently we've been having so problems but we've got through them and I am really happy for him today. Ladies and gentlemen, please raise your glass to the happy couple, Stefan and Evie." Damon said, raising his glass. I smiled as everyone stood up and made a toast. After everyone sat down, Skye stood up. I glared at her but she just smirked.

"I have known Evie for a very long time, and I never thought I'd see the day she would get married, until I saw her and Stefan together. I remember the times we would get drink every other night and party inbetween, but that was a very long time ago." She said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes but grinned. "Stefans very lucky to have a girl so amazing as her, I wish her luck for the future and I hope you both have a very good life together." She smiled. Everyone clapped and she sat down. I smiled at her and mouthed 'Thank you'. She shrugged but grinned. I then realised it was Stefans turn to say a few thanks. After he was finished and he sat down, I leaned over and kissed him tenderly. I heard claps and woops but I ignored them. I was over the moon and nothing was gonna change that...


I am so so so sorry! its almost been a month! ive been revising and lifes being a bitch at the mo. thank you all soo much for staying with me even though ive been a bitch about uploading!

(BTW: not end of wedding, not end of story and sorry its short! writers block! and i know nothing about weddings!)




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