Chapter 22- I Love Him More

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Those Damn Salvatores

Chapter 22

I Love Him More


Evies POV

He kissed me lightly and I was suprised when I started to kiss him back, for a second. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pushed him away from me. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled at him. "I love Stefan! He means everything to me!"

"If you love Stefan so much, then why did you kiss me back." He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because, I did love you once, maybe I still do but I love Stefan more. Anyway, make your choice, stay with Elena or try and get Skye?" I said. This wasn't like him.

"I am NOT trying to get Skye, okay? I care about her yeah, but Riley only died last night, even I have to respect that."

"You are such a dick!" I shouted at him.

"I've been told." He shrugged. Unbelieveable. I stormed back up the stairs and back into mine and Stefans room. I sat on the bed and pulled my knees up to my chest. I suddenly heard a huge crash from downstairs. Oh for god sake! I shot down the stairs and I was shocked at what I saw. Damon was crouched on the floor, growling at...Stefan? Stefan was standing there, eyes blazing. He must of attacked Damon. Stefan was about to attack him again but I ran in front of him. I knew that Damon was stronger then him. I grabbed the top of Stefans arms and pushed him back.

"Stefan, calm down, come on, lets go." I said soothingly. He wouldnt budge and he looked down at me. I sent him a pleading look and he let me push him up the stairs. I pushed him into our room and closed the door, standing against it. He sat on the bed, head in hands. He didn't look upset, he looked livid. "What was that about?" I whispered.

"I think you know." He growled.

"Guessing you heard?" I said.

"Hell yeah."

I sighed and went and kneeled in front of him. Deja vu. I put my hands on his knees and looked up at him. I waited until his hands came away from his face until I spoke. "Why are you angry?" I asked him softly. I knew why but I had to hear him say it.

"He keeps trying to win you back and..." He trailed off.

"And what?" I prodded quietly.

"You would go back to him." He half whispered. That was the first time I had seen Stefans insercurity. I stood up and took his face in my hands so he was looking up at me.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you this until you finally understand, but I love you so much Stefan. You mean the world to me and I wouldn't do that to you. Your the one I'm marrying, not him. Does that finally get through to you?" I smiled at him. He nodded and I lightly brushed my finger against his lips. He opened his mouth and lightly bit my finger.

"If your marrying me then, that means your mine and no one elses." He suddenly grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of him. "Your mine." He growled in my ear. I giggled and kissed him passionately. "For the record, I love you too." He whispered.

"Good." I murmered against his chest.

"For the wedding, I was thinking nothing to big, just you and me and family and friends." He said.

"Sounds great. When?"

"When we have everything. And for the honeymoon, we're going somewhere special and it'll be a suprise."

"Who are you? Edward Cullen?" I laughed.

"Ha ha." He said. "I'm sorry about just now. I just don't wanna lose you."

"You never will." I said and kissed his nose. "I swear." He smiled and kissed my hair. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. "I'll be back in a minute." I said and went downstairs. I saw Damon standing by the fire, his back to me. I leaned against the doorway and crossed my arms. "Hey." I said.

"Hey." He said, not turning around. I sighed and tried again.

"What is with you lately? Your a completely different person. I don't like it. It's not you." I said. He turned around and I saw his eyes were as dark as night.

"I'm just my usual heartless, evil self." He glared at me. So he was gonna play THAT card. Fine, I could play that card too.

"Good point." I glared back. I sat on the couch and crossed my legs. "Seriously, what is wrong?" I said. He came and sat next to me and leaned back.

"I-am-fine." He said, breaking down the syllables.

"No-your-not." I said, doing the same. "I'm worried about you." I said, taking his hand. He ripped his hand out of mine and shot up.

"Stop it!" He roared. I looked up at him shocked as he shot daggers at me.

"Stop what?" I asked quietly. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"You! Being all innocent. I need a reason to hate you!" He yelled.

"Why do you need a reason to hate me?" I asked confused.

"Because he will fall in love with you again. He hates that he loves being with you and he knows that if you two connect, he will never stop loving you." A voice said from the doorway. I looked over and expected it to be Stefan. It wasn't. It was Skye. Her eyes looked emotionless and her face looked drawn. Damon growled at her and she just stared back at him.

"Damon?" I said quietly. "Is that true?" ;He gave Skye one last glare and shot out the front door. "Damon!" I yelled after him but he was gone. I groaned and looked at Skye."Why did you do that?"

"You needed to know." She shrugged. "He wasn't gonna tell you so I did. Simple."

I sighed. "Whatever. Anyway, why hadn't you been down? You've been upstairs all day."

"Well, with the Stefan,Evie,Damon drama, I stayed upstairs and I wanted to be alone anyway."

"Oh. Fair enough." I paused. "Skye, how did you know what Damon felt?"

"It's not hard to figure out." She chuckled without humour. "He still loves you Evie, but you made your choice. Theres gonna be consequences but do you still love Damon?"

I put my finger to my ear and Skye nodded. I had just remembered that Stefan could hear it. I pulled out my phone and typed:

I don't know.

 I showed her the screen and she nodded. "I'll go and find him. See you later." She said and walked out the front door. I got up and went up the stairs. I waited outside the bedroom door and took a deep breath. I opened the door and stepped inside. Stefan was staring out of the window, his back to me. I walked over behind him and put my hands on his shoulders. I felt his body stiffen but then relax again. I walked in front of him and put my hands on his neck.

"Pack your stuff." He said suddenly.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"We're going. Now." He said sternly and pulled away.


yeah, quiet short, i know. sorry! wow damon wont let evie go, :( wedding will be soon though :D

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