Chapter 5- Previous Love

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Stop Hurting Him

Chapter 5

Previous Love


I collapsed exhausted. I heard him panting next to me.

"Tired you out, have I?" I chuckled.

He just grinned.

I looked at the time again. 12:49. I sighed and got up. I grabbed one of Stefans shirts and pulled it over me.

"Looks good on you." He laughed.

I grimaced. I went into my room and picked out some undies and a pair of denim shorts. I got changed but stayed in Stefs shirt. I was suprised when I went back into his room to find he was still in bed. I went and layyed next to him. I snuggled into his side and he chuckled. He had been doing alot of that lately.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing." He whispered against my hair.

"Come on, we need to get up." I said sitting up.

He groaned. "Urghh, do we have to?" He said stubbornly.

I could see he wasn't going to move. So I leaned down and crushed his lips with mine. When I pulled away, his face fell. I laughed.

"I'm not finished yet!" He complained.

"Catch me then." I winked at him and sprinted down the stairs. He was right behind me now wearing a pair of jeans and a grey v neck t shirt. His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me against his chest.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear. I froze. He didn't. I was just the girl he used to get over her.

"You don't." I said quietly, wriggling out of his arms. "I'm just the girl you use to try to get over her."

"Wha-"He began but I cut him off.

"You dont get over someone in 2 days Stefan. Trust me, I know." I whispered.

It always pained me to talk about Ethan. I missed him loads. Ethan meant the world to me and I loved him more than anything. Ethan was the love of my life and he died to protect me. I still felt sick even thinking about him.

"Look at Ethan, I still haven't got over him and it has been decades!" I whispered, sobbing. He pulled me against his chest again and the sobs broke free. I was running from a vampire called Oliver who wanted to kill me, when he finally caught up to me, Ethan protected me and died instead of me.

When I was finally done crying, I pulled away from him and went and sat down. Stef came and sat next to me and pulled me against his side. I burried my face in his chest and I felt his breath against my neck.

"I do love you. You have to believe that. You have never hurt me and you have always been there for me." He whispered in my ear.

"I believe you." I whispered back.


I took my phone off the table and look at the Caller ID. Blocked.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Evelyn." A Familiar voice purred. I froze.




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