Chapter 20- Goodbye

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Those Damn Salvatores

Chapter 20


Damons POV

She stood there, her eyes blazing, her fists clenched so tight around the wooden stakes. I knew she was on a murder mission. She suddenly went for me. I grabbed her by the shoulders and smashed her into the wall. She slammed into the wall with great force but got up again quickly. Skye tossed me a stake, all the others had one aswell. But Riley was closer to Megan. She went for him, stake in hand. He grabbed her by the neck, ready to drive the wood through her heart but she beat him. She drove the stake straight through his heart.

"Riley!" Skye cried. She suddenly lost it, she went for Megan, tearing her hair out. Skye bared her fangs and sunk them in her neck. Megan screamed but it was cut off. Skye got up with blood all around her mouth. She threw Megans body into the fire and ran to Riley, tears streaming down her face. "Please Riley." She whispered, cupping his face. Rileys eyes were closing but he lightly squeezed her hand. Skye burst into tears. She bit her wrist and put it to Rileys mouth, but she was too late. Evie went over to her and pulled her away. Skye fought desperately to get back to him but Evie was stronger. Skye leaned her head into Evies shoulder, still sobbing, Evies wrapped her arms around her, whsipering soothingly to Skye. Stefan went over to Rileys lifeless body and picked it up carefully. I followed him as he took it down to the basement and laid his body on the bench. He lightly placed a hand on Rileys shoulder and walked over to me.

"Poor Riley, how do you think Skye is going to take it?" He said.

I sighed. "I don't know, I don't think she is going be okay about it, she loved him."

Stefan nodded and went back upstairs and I followed him.

Evies POV

Skye was still sobbing. I knew how much she meant to him. I hugged her tighter as she tried to stop crying. "He shouldn't have died. It's all my fault." She whispered.

"No way! It is not your fault." I said firmly.

"It is! I should have pulled him away." She said.

"Skye, no one could have helped him." I said.

I let her go and she walked straight out the front door. I sighed and I knew what she would do. Take it out on someone else. Proabably kill someone or something. Just then Stefan and Damon came up from the basement.

"We put Riley downstairs, we can't burn him unless Skye wants us too." Stefan said.

I nodded. I felt tears invading my eyes and Stefan was in front of me in an instant. He pulled me into his arms and I started sobbing. I heard Damon leave and go outside, so I guessed he had gone to find Skye. Stefan started stroking my hair and I snuggled deeper into his chest.

"I swear we atract drama." I mumbled, Stefan laughed without humour.

"I guess we do." He whispered in my ear.

"What a crazy life." I said.

"I agree." He said kissing my hair. "Where did Skye go?"

I sighed. "Out, probably on a drink rampage or murder spree."

"Your not worried?"

"Not when it comes to Skye. She is a crazy party animal but she wouldn't go on a human killing spree."

"Oh. How do you think she's gonna handle it?"

"I really don't know, she isn't a cryer, well, not a non stop sobber, she will probably after a few days, get completely drunk everyday and go crazy. Her and Damon will get along then." I smiled weakly. Stefan pulled back to look at me.

"And, how are you?"

"I'm fine, I'm not the one that needs that at the moment."

I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out. I had a text from Damon.

I found Skye, she's lost it. She's already close to drink death. I'm bringing her back now. Be 10 mins. D x

I sighed and put my phone back. "Damons found her, she's drunk and he's bringing her back."

Stefan nodded and kissed my forehead. I pulled away and laid on the sofa. Stefan sat with my feet in his lap. He turned me round so that I was sitting in his lap. I leaned into him and his arms wrapped around me. "So, how did things go with you and Elena?" He asked.

"Your seriosuly gonna ask me that now? She's....okay. I guess. I have gone from up, from loathing her to hating her. That's an improvement." I said. Stefan nodded. "Why?" I asked. "Worried I'm gonna become all buddy buddy with your ex?" I joked. Stefan raised his eyebrows. "Seriously?" I laughed without humour. "That's just silly." I murmered as I kissed him.

"Is it?" He whispered against my lips.

"Yes, very."

I heard the front door open, I jumped up to see Damon carrying a passed out Skye bridal style. Could Vampires pass out because of drink?

"I'm gonna take Skye up to bed." Damon said and headed for the stairs.

"Don't take advantage of her." I growled.

"Course not." Damon said. I could her the smirk in his voice. I hissed as he took her upstairs.

"Don't worry, he wouldn't. Not whilst she out like that. He seduces, not rapes." Stefan laughed.

I stuck my tounge out and Stefan lifted me up. "Bed?" I asked tiredly.

He nodded and took me to our room. "I'm gonna check on Skye quickly." I told him and went to Skyes room. I padded softly along the landing to her room. I opened the door quietly and what I saw suprised me. Skye was laying on the bed, still out but Damon was standing by her, stroking her cheek. I cleared my throat and Damons head shot round. "I'll change her." I said. He nodded and went to his room. I took Skyes shirt off and her jeans. We used to have sleepovers all the time so it wasn't weird. I took off her shoes and grabbed her pjs from under her pillow. I changed her into the white tank top and spongebob pj shorts. I chuckled quietly at her and went back to Stefans room. He was wearing her pj trousers now and was laying on the bed, under the covers. I stripped down into my undies and crawled into bed, next to him. I snuggled into his side and he kissed my hair. I felt my breathing slow and I slowly fell asleep.


Skyes POV

The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. Where was Riley? Oh. Yeah. I felt the tears slide down my face and I hurried to wipe them away. I got up and went into the bathroom. I had a quick shower and changed into a white floral vest, white skinnies and light pink converses. I brushed my blonde hair back into a side ponytail. After I was done, I went and sat on the bed. I burst into tears again. Knowing, I would never see my Riley again. There was a knock at the door and Damon came in. Once he saw that I was crying, I was in his arms. His arms tightened around me and I sobbed into his chest. He started whispering something in my ear but I couldn't make it out. I finally stopped crying and looked up at Damon. "Thank you." I whispered.

"No problem." He smiled.


Yeah, I know its short, sorry!

okay, im planning abit of Damon and Skye? maybe a Skamon? what about Delena? hmm, who will Damon end up with? Skye, Elena or maybe even Evie? Still haven't decided who Evie will end up with but it'll probably be stefan but u can change it! comment or message!

comment,like,vote <3<3

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