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Hi Guys!

I know I haven't updated in a while but I have a reason for it. As you all know that the next chapter is smut, but currently its Ramadan and its 'Haram'. I've had a while to think and I have decided something. I started this book because I was bored and because I liked the first chapter. Then I thought 'Why not continue?' but I realize that it has no plot, no climax, nothing. I have no main idea.  So, for now, I want to put it on hold.

BUT! I have been think of starting another book. This time I already have it all planned out, already. Beginning, middle and how its ending. Once I get a Title, Name for the girl, and bio then Ill update every 3 days. I have one question though. In my head, I picture the guy from the boys, also the main character, as Zayn because it just fits him. He's  scary and dangerous. So I divided the boys into the part that it would fit. And I ended up with only Harry and Zayn. I want to ask, Which one would you read/prefer?

Thank you guys for Voting, commenting, and reading this book. I'm sorry!



What do you want? *On Hold* Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora