Chapter 33 - "Well, that was a boring morning."

Start from the beginning

Rohan cracked up laughing once I cut the call, "You lawyers are great lairs." He said.

"We've got the right balance, you see." I laughed.

"Very good balance, I swear I cannot ever lie so perfectly."

"That's a good thing, you shouldn't really lie unless you're in a situation like mine."

"Why can't you tell your parents about us?" He asked.

"I just can't." I didn't really have much of an answer, "They're just a little old fashioned. I mean to come here to work for only two years I had to go through a lot of convincing. To convince my parents to let us get married, we're going to have to go through hell." It was true, we would have to go through Hell to convince my parents, I mean it's hard for them to accept a love marriage within Gujarati's forget someone from another cast, like Rohan.

"I'm ready to go through even Hell for you." He said.

"That was so cheesy." I made a disgusted face.

"I know, but serious. I'll convince your parents no matter what." He placed his hands on mine; I smiled.


The pile of files I had to work through in the office had nearly doubled. I had to get through all of these before we headed off to Alina and Karan's wedding in Italy, in a month, so that meant I was going to have to spend all nighters maybe.

Rohan had six meetings today and another four tomorrow, some of them over lunch. So I wasn't going to be seeing him around the office that often for the next two days either. He gave me one of his drivers contact and said that if he was late then I could just call the driver and he'd drop me home. didn't like that idea so I insisted that he just let me drive home - since I had a drivers license now - by myself but, he strictly said 'no' after seeing my dangerous driving skills a couple of months ago. So I was just going to have to wait in the office until he came to pick me up.

The week went by slowly. After work everyday we would go to Karan's place and help him out a little bit for his engagement party this weekend. By Friday we were exhausted and were totally not ready for an engagement party the next day.

"You guys have to be there at least an hour before the guests start arriving." Karan commanded. Rohan was to tired to say anything so just nodded his head.

"Here you can drive." He said passing me the keys as we headed for the car after leaving Karan's place, "I'm too tired." I don't blame him, he had five meetings today and each of them were in different places so he'd been driving all day.

I took this as an opportunity to practice my driving skills once again, I mean being with Rohan I can't practice them too often.

I knew my driving was rough but this time Rohan was too tired to comment on it, I think he even fell a sleep in the car at one point.

"We're here?" He asked as I stopped the car outside his grand entrance and waited for the chauffeur to come and park the car. I was slowly getting used to this high-class lifestyle of Rohan's, but I still won't let anyone do my bed!

"Yeah." I said. The chauffeur came and we got out and headed inside.

As we got to the bedroom Rohan fell face first on the bed.

"Goodnight." He moaned and helped himself inside the bed.

"Woah! Hold on a second there, Rohan Sharma! You still haven't changed and don't put those dirty shoes on the bed!" I scolded.

"Do I have to change?" He complained.

"Yes! Now get up and get into your Pyjama's and then you can go to sleep."

"Ok, mommy." He said and got up to go get changed.

By the time I came out dressed in my nightie he was already softly snoring away on the bed. I helped myself into the covers beside him and slowly dozed off knowing that I didn't have to wake up early tomorrow, since it was Saturday.


This whole week has been so hectic. I've been at non-stop meetings and by Friday I was half dead. Ria wasn't so far off either, she'd been going through the files on her desk one after another.

It was Karan and Alina's engagement party tonight and Ria and I had to be there an hour before the guests started arriving and at this rate we were not going to get there in time. It was already eleven-thirty and we were still lying in bed.

Ria turned around and was now facing me - still in deep sleep. That angelic face of hers was glowing this morning and she looked really calm. I didn't want to wake her up so instead I slowly got up and started to get ready.

"Good morning." She said in a drowsy voice as I got up and was about to head into the bathroom.

"You're awake?" I turned around.

"Well, you make so much noise while getting up, so I guess so." She said.

"Oh, sorry. Why don't you go back to sleep?" I said, she really didn't have to be awake right now.

"Nah, it's ok. It's time we woke up anyways, we still need to get ready for Alina and Karan's party and you know how long I take to get ready." She smiled and pulled the covers off her and got up.

"I begs having a shower first!" I yelled and ran into the bathroom.

"Hey! That's unfair!" She said putting her hands on her hips.

"Too late!" I teased as I got inside and locked the door.

By the time I completed my shower she'd done the bed and left clothes for me to wear. It's kind of cute how she does that.

"Oh good you're out." She said coming into the room. "Lunch is ready by the way, so you can have it because I'm going to have a long relaxing bath," she spread out her hands as if she was in paradise, "and I don't want to keep you waiting."

"Ok, you do that. You deserve it after a long week, I guess." I said and she smiled and walked into the bathroom as I just stood there. Well, that was a boring morning.


A/N: And that was a pretty boring chapter. Sorry guys, i know it's lame but I guess that's what happens when you're stuck doing revision in the holidays! Anyways, I changed the characters once again, actually only one, Alina is now Parineeti Chopra, Why? Because Aditya and Parineeti looked so cute in Daawat-e-Ishq so why not in my fanfic? 

So, I hope you're enjoying this story so far, trust me the next couple of updates are going to be quite interesting! So stay tuned, keep voting, commenting and sharing the story <3

XOXO Yashriii

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