Tough love- Chapter twenty; The Ball.

Start from the beginning

After she curled my hair, bobby pinned half of it to the side, and did my mascara, we headed out to the car. My mom had informed me that the Colton's had rented a limo for all of us. Rich much.

I honestly wasn't looking forward to riding in the limo with Zach. Especially if he's sitting right beside me. Then he'll have a full few of my chest.

I walk outside and sigh as the cold air hits me. I see the limo. It's all black and the windows are tinted. We walk down our driveway and there is the limo driver there, opening the door or us. My mom and dad get in first and I wish Ryder was here. So he'd have I go through the same pain.

I get in behind them and Zach's parents were already in there. But Zach wasn't. Thank god! Maybe he isn't coming.....

"Zach will be here soon, he couldn't find his shoes." I nodded at Kim. It wasn't die seconds after that, Zach came in. An of course, m worst nightmare came true and he sat right beside me. He wore a black tux with his tie around his neck, not tied or anything. The collar of it was okay but the first tree buttons of it was undone. His hair was a mess like someone had run his hands through it.

He looked hot. No joke. He must've seen me checking him out, because he turned to me an smirked. "Are you checking me out again, Parker?"

I blushed and turned away, crossing my arms. "No." Zach put his arm on the back of my seat and leaned towards me, His chin almost touching my temple. "Well I am."

I looked up at him to see him doing exactly what I knew he'd do. I rolled my eyes and leaned my head back, knocking into his arm. I turned to look at him. "This is exactly why I didn't want to wear this." He smirked and that's when I realised I was still leaning against his arm. I immediately brought my head up and straightened my back.

"I honestly think you should wear stuff like that more. You'd defiantly get more guys." I smirked and turned my body to face him. Propping my elbow on the seat beside his hand. His hand just came over and rested on top of my elbow. I shivered. "For your information. It's my eyes that the guys fall for. Bright blue!" He laughed and shook his head, grabbing my elbow and running circles on my skin with his thumb. Dammit, he needs to stop.

"Nah, it's your ass. You don't even have to twerk for that thing to bounce." I gasped and punched his chest, making him laugh and let Go of my elbow to rub where I hit him. I crossed my arms and turned my back to him. "I'm no longer speaking to you, asshole."

He rested his head on my shoulder and faced me, smirking. "You can't go half an hour without talking to me and you know it."

I shrugged off his shoulder. "Yes I can." I heard him chuckled before his body heat was gone from my back. "Sure, Parker."


I gasped at how big the place was were they were holding it. It was like a huge castle. I couldn't believe what was right in front of me. My jaw was dropped, And I was in awe.

"I know right." A deep voice said from behind me, making the hairs on my neck stand up. I chewed my lip and looked back at Zach, who intertwined his arm through mine, walking me towards the stairs to the entrance. I shivered, and looked over at him, noticing he had tied his tie around his neck but it was so loose.

He looked like he had a make out session. Yet he was still hot. "I know I'm hot, but damn. Your always staring at me, Parker."

I scoffed and turned back ahead as we both started to the steps. "You wish, Colton." I heard him chuckle as we entered the big building. It was like any other ball. Classical music playing, wine and other fine food and drinks on a buffet table. Half of the place was with tables and the other was for people to dance.

Zach lead us over to the tables where we got our food and sat down. I sat in between Zach and my dad. Everyone pretty much talked while me and Zach sat there, ignoring everyone. After about an hour, Zach kicked my shin. I glared at him before kicking him back. He smirked at me before we repeated it all over again.

After a while, we started kicking harder and I felt like I was going to have bruises on my leg because of him. "Zach, if you fucking kick me that hard again, I will punch your nuts," I warned in lower tone because of our parents. He just smirked and kicked it harder. "Well.. I warned you." I did exactly as I said I was, and punched his balls.

He immediately grabbed them and leaned forwards on the table, grunting. "Why did I offer to train you again?" He said through gritted teeth. I laughed and crossed my arms, smirking in victory. "Because you like me."

He leaned back up in his seat and brought out his smirk again. "You wish, Parker." He mimicked my words. I gave him an evil glare. He just laughed and shook his head, standing up. "Come on." He nodded his head upwards. I stood up, sighing. If I didn't go now, he'd just hound me until I did so i wasn't arguing.

"Where are we going?" I asked following him as he walked. He just turned to me and smiled, grabbing my hand, also making shocks shoot up my arm. My jaw fell but I quickly pulled it back up.

He pulled me to the dance floor and stopped us, resting his hands on my hips. I chewed my lip and slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. He sighed and shook his head, pulling me closer to him and wrapping both arms around my waist. I silently gasped. Our chests were almost touching and one of his legs was in between mine.

I looked up at his nose and he smiled. We started swaying and I sighed, looking away. "I take it you've been in this situation before. Considering how calm you are about it." He chuckled and that's when I looked back at him. "I've only ever slow danced with a girl, once. And I know you've only done it once too."

I squeezed my eyebrows at him. "How did you know that? You knew I was a virgin. You knew about my mom cheating with George. And you know about me only dancing with a guy once. Its a shame it was Hunter."

His smile faded and he dropped his head, closing his eyes. "The eighth grade dance?"

"Yea." He sighed and looked up at me, his eyes now wide open and a dark blue. I immediately looked to his nose not wanting to be hypnotised by them. "That wasn't Hunter, Alex..... that was me."

"W-What? I was almost certain it was Hunter." I mumbled. He shook his head. "That's why I hated you for the first part that I met you. You thought I was Hunter. And in Eighth and ninth grade, I was a shy son of a bitch, so i didn't tell you it was me. And by tenth, you were so caught up in Hunter, I decided it wouldn't even matter if I said anything."

"Why didn't you tell me when we first started talking?"

"Because I was a bastard and I took my anger out on the things I hated. Which, at the time, was you. Because what was going through my wad was 'She so stupid. She can't tell two guys apart from each other'." I rolled my eyes. "Well I feel great now Zach. Thanks."

He laughed and shook his head. "It doesn't matter anyways. It was one dance and a lot of bright red punch."

We both laughed and I was still in shock. All these years, I was thinking it was Hunter. When it was actually Zach who had danced with me. It was very dark and I can kinda understand how I messed that up. But come on, they kinda look similar. Brown hair, bright eyes, Hot face. And back then, Zach didn't have his lip ring.

Zach suddenly stopped laughing and his eyes were wide. He was looking somewhere behind me. "Fuck." He mumbled. I gave him a confusing face before slowly turning my head to where he was looking.

It was Will.... and his gang. They had all cleaned up well. Most in dress shirts or tux's. My jaw dropped as I turned back to Zach. "Fuck is right in-"

"Please don't kill me." He said, looking right at me. I furrowed my eyebrows together, not understanding. "Why would I-" I started I say, but I as cut off by Zach again.

But this time...

It was his lips against mine.

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