43; The dance

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The story behind her.

-The dance-

Chapter forty Three;


That, was a month ago. Aaron's parents don't bother talking to me or him. But they did do better with Aryanna and Andrew. They stayed home more, bonded with them morel, and took a lot better care of them.

I was happy. And Aaron was happy. That was my main goal. To make everyone I love happy. Shane was from the beginning. I never was until I started dating my current boyfriend that I love to death.

Since that incident happened with his dad, Aaron hasn't left my side. He didn't want any other guy touching me at all. Even if it was the littlest tap. Like this one time, we were in Toys-R-Us trying to find something for Aryanna's birthday, when the guy accidentally bumped into me.

Aaron flipped on the poor guy and almost punched his face in. But I had grabbed him and pulled him back. It was cute. Watching him be all over protective on me. Each time he did stuff like that, I would just laugh and kiss his cheek. But that may be a reason he keeps doing it.

I wake up and stretch, making a loud noise as I do so. I also notice that I'm the only one on the couch, even though Aaron was who I had fallen asleep on. I open my eyes to see that I wasn't even on the couch anymore. I squeeze my eyebrows together in confusion as I sit up on Aaron's bed.

I look at the time and notice it's only six. So his parents would be asleep, along with his siblings. I just wonder where he is.

I slid my feet over the edge and stand up. I then notice something soft under my feet. Even though his floors are wood. I looked down.

Is that... rose pedals?

I look around and notice there was some on the bed too. And that there was a trail leading out the door. I smiled. Has to be Aaron. I felt all giddy inside as I started following it. I went out into the hallway and there was a note. I grabbed it.


Sorry but I'm not an author so this is the best you get ;).

I love you and if you think I'm ever letting you go, your crazy. Follow the roses and get your surprise!


My smile only grew bigger as I dropped it and and ran to follow the roses. Once I got down there, I slowed down as it neared the kitchen.

I looked up and saw written across the counter in rose pedals 'Will you go to prom with me?' I gasped. As soon as I finished reading it, Aaron came into view in his half naked glory. He smiled at me and I returned it, running over and throwing my arms around his neck, wrapping my legs around his waist. "I love you too! God I love you so much! Yes I'll go with you!"

He let out a breath of relief and wrapped his arms around me, digging his ace into my neck. "Thank god. I was worried I had just wasted my money on five hundred roses."

"That's what you were worried about?" I asked smirking as I got off of him. He still kept me to him by the waist. He smirked, dipping down and kissing my neck again. I brought my head back. "I was more worried about you."

I smiled and bit my lip. "Mm hmm." He sucked on my neck, and from time to time, brushing his teeth along my skin, causing me to shiver. His hand snaked up his shirt that I was wearing and he squeezed my stomach. I moaned as he hit a soft spot and that made him chuckle.

I slowly moved my hands from around his neck and down his chest, feeling his muscles and skin under my fingers. Damn him and not wearing a shirt. He groaned as I bit down on his lip. He the took his hands out of my shirt and slid it down my butt, and to my bare thighs.

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