8; A day at the lake

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The story behind her.

-A day at the lake-

Chapter eight;


I woke up in a completely different room. I rubbed my head and tried to remember when I came in here, but nothing. I stretched out my legs and arms, then pulled myself out of bed.

I got dressed in a red tank top and ripped shorts. I went downstairs and saw everyone but Aaron sitting at the kitchen table. "Morning." I said, yawning.

Alex smiled at me and came over to hug me. I hugged him back, but wasn't sure why he was doing this.

Because your dating him, idiot.

I'm so stupid. "Morning babe." He whispered. I smiled and pulled back a little, looking at his beautiful face. "Hey, lovebirds, you mind getting a room?" I know that rude voice from anywhere. Alex looked behind me and his smile dropped. I looked back and sure enough, a shirtless Aaron stood at the door, leaning against it with his arms crossed.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at Alex. "Lets eat. Im starving." I walked to the table and Rachel smiled at me, handing me a plate.

I took it and devoured the food. I think it was pancakes and eggs? Either way, they were so good.

Afterwards, all of us went into the living room. We turned on the TV and Alex wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and I laid my head on his shoulder. "I was thinking we could go down to the lake." Rachel said.

I looked at her and smiled. "Totally. Im in," I turned to Alex then. "What about you?" He gave me an apologetic face and my smile faded. He sighed and kissed me. "Im sorry, Jasp. It's just..... I'm not a big fan of lakes. You know." I nodded and kissed him again.

He has a fear of lakes. It happened when he was little. He was 7 and his older brother was 12. Steven. His brother was a giant bully. Even to him. Still is. Anyway, their family went on a trip to the lake and Alex was so exited. He jumped in and Steven saw a chance. He chased him and when Steven got ahold of Alex, he pushed him underwater, then held him there.

Alex almost died that day. They had to take him to the hospital and Alex had so much water in his lungs. He says sometimes that we aren't aloud to make fun of him because he still has water in them. But he jut jokes around about it.

I can never joke about my past.


"I get it. It's fine. Im not pressuring you to go, but I'm going. I want some fun." He nodded and gave me a smile, which I new was fake. I sighed and brought my lips into his. He lingered them there for a while, bringing his hand up to my cheek and stroking my skin softly. But his kisses, didn't make me shiver the way Aaron's lips felt on my neck.

Think about them on my lips.....

Hell to the no! No, no, no! In no way can I think that. Why would I think that? No, why would I think that while dating Alex and kissing him? Alex pulled back, and smile at me. I gave him one back. I saw Aaron behind me. At first, his eyes were blank, not showing any emotion from them whatsoever.

Then Marisa walked by and waved a him. He looked at her, looked at me, smirked, looked back at her, and grabbed her waist, pulling her to him and kissing her hard. He brought his hands up to her breasts and I looked away, watching Alex watch the TV.

When did he look away from me? And remove his hand from my cheek? God, I'm stupid. Im paying more attention to my enemy than my boyfriend. But as they say,

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