37; Heartbreak

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The story behind her.


Chapter thirty seven;



Those bitches! They really want someone to beat their ass, don't they? They just don't know when to quit. Enough is enough. They don't need to do this to Hazel any longer.


She was up and out of the room within seconds. I knew she was crying. And everybody was starting lightly laugh. But they all shut up when I have them an evil look. I stormed towards Hazel but was stopped by Kayla. "Remember Aaron.... if I can't have you. No one can."

"Get a fucking life, Kayla. Cause its not me. I hate you and always will. Especially after that little stunt you pulled." I pushed her to the ground, not caring who saw. Because I hoped everyone saw.

I chased after Hazel. When I caught her, I pulled her to look at me. Her eyes were already streaming. "Hazel you have to believe me-" she cut me off, like she always does when she's mad. "Don't call me Hazel!" That hurts worse than anything. "I trusted you, you jerk! I thought you wouldn't tell anybody about what happened and look at this!"

Okay.... this really hurts. One) that she believes those hoe's. And two) That she doesn't want me to call her Hazel. Thats my name for her. Hazel is Hazel. She can't be anybody else."Jasper.... do you seriously believe anything those sluts say?"

"It's kinda hard not to when it's the most horrifying part of your life! And what a weird coincidence that it happens two days after I tell you about it! What the hell do you think is going on through my head, Aaron?!"


She turned on her heel and practically ran from me. I let her. She just needs some time alone right now. So I will give it to her. Bur later, I'm going to her and I'm not taking no as an answer.



Eating ice cream really helps to calm your nerves. Especially after a day of hell. I've been trying my best to avoid the thought of Aaron. Like why he broke my trust like that. Why he even told them. Why he would act like he loved me. Oh yea, He's a sex addict. Maybe he was just having trouble getting laid.

"Okay. What's wrong? I've been trying to ignore it all evening. But I cant." I knew who it was before I even looked. I bursted into more tears when I heard him. Shane immediately came to my side and let me cry into his chest. He was like the dad I never had.

"Shh.... it's gonna be okay Jasper-"

"That's the thing though, Shane! It's not going to be fine! Everyone tells you it is and it won't! It never is okay! People lie Shane! Your a liar and god knows I'm a liar! I lied about who I was for a year! I lied about my parents! I lied and said I was asleep when I watched then cut my parents body parts limb from limb! What kind of sick thirteen year old could do that and not cry! To watch and not feel disgusted!?" I ranted.

Shane sat there, completely flabbergasted. Even though he knew what had happened, he didn't know how they died. And knowing I watched as.... that happened, makes it worse. "I'm so sorry, Jas." Now Shane was tearing up. He leaned forward and pulled me into a hug. "I had no idea that is what happened. Thats how they died."

"No one does." I pulled away and grabbed my blanket, then drug myself up the takes and into my room. I just fell down on the bed and clicked on my TV. "You should at least talk to him. Maybe it wasn't what you think."

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