19; Chinese food and Ladybugs

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The story behind her.

-Chinese food and ladybugs-

Chapter nineteen;


"We're home Aaron!"

I jumped away from Aaron, who I had been laying on for the past half hour. We where playing Call of Duty Ghosts and he had pulled me to his lap, once again, Except In between his legs, so if I got up, I wouldn't be able to leave him.

But his parents just walked in, so I went away from him. Aaron just stood with this smirk plastered right on his face. His parents entered the living room. His mom was short with butt length blonde hair, and his dad was like a spitting image of Aaron. The only difference, is that you could tell he was older.

"Aaron, your brought a girl home. Surprising." Well that was rude. Especially coming from his dad. Aaron just kept the smirk on his face. "Father, you brought the same slut home. Surprising. Haven't moved on yet?"

"Don't you talk to your mother that way!" I flinched at that. He had to yell? Okkkayyy. Aaron stepped forward, his fists tightening. "Shes not my mother."

Wait..... what?! Thats not his mom?! I had no idea.... what? "She is now. Your mothers dead, son. You have no female role model in your life, but her. Be thankful."

"If she's my role model, then I'll grow up to be a male stripper." Okay, I'm completely lost here. What the hell is going on? "Aaron!" His dad yelled. Aaron leaned back a little, and crossed his arms over his chest, raising an eyebrow.


"Are you seriously going to act that way in front of her?" His dad motioned to me. I looked at Aaron and he do the same to me. His face was first put off in a blank stare. But he changed it quickly. Into anger. "She's seen worse." He mumbled, looking back over at his parents.

Yea, I have seen worse Aaron......

And that's not even what you know about.

His dad sighed and rubbed his face. "Im not going to get into this, tonight, Aaron. Is the girl staying for dinner or not?"

Aaron put an arm around my waist. "Shes staying." He said, strictly. I gulped. He better not start shit. "You have two minutes." His dad turned and went into the kitchen, along with his m- the blonde. I turned to Aaron. "Thats not your mom?" I asked. He sighed and shook his head, removing his arm from my waist.

"Then who is she?"

"Now If I told you, I'd have to tell you the whole story for you to understand it. And I know you aren't ready to tell me yet, so I'm not talking." I couldn't help but smile. He does these things to me, and I have to way to control how I feel about it. All thanks to him and his perfect fucking face. I nodded. "Thanks, bad boy." I ruffled his hair.

He straightened it out. "I prefer Badass."

I rolled my eyes. He sighed and grabbed my hand. I immediately felt the tingles everywhere. "Come on, Let's get this hell over with, and then I'll drive you home."

He drug me into the kitchen and we took a seat. I sat beside him and his dad and the woman sat in front of us. She sent me a small smile as she placed Chinese in the middle of the table. I smiled back. It obviously being fake. We all got our food and started eating.

"So Aaron are you going to introduce us to your friend here?" His dad asked. Aaron only looked over at his dad, his jaw clenching. I reached my hand over and placed it on his knee. He flinched and I held back a smile. "Jasper. Her names Jasper." He said.

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