23; Trouble

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The story behind her.


Chapter twenty four;


"See what I mean, Matt? He accused me of being with you. When all I was doing was hugging you."

Matt sighed and shook his head. "Jasper he looked pretty heart broken. Maybe he thought you had moved on."

"I have! I hate him and he knows it! He broke the little excuse of a heart I had left an now there's nothing in here." I pointed to me chest. Matt glanced over at me and have me a 'Are you serious?' look. "Jas, you have a heart-"

"Not anymore."

"I don't believe that." He stated, determined to win this. "Then that's your loss. Not mine." I crossed my arms over my chest. Matt kept quiet after that. He didn't bring it up anymore, and just kept his mouth shut. And that's all I was asking for.

Because once he got to my house, we mumbled a goodbye before I jumped out of the car, slamming it shut and running into my house. Once i was inside and nothing but quiet was around, I sighed and took deep breaths, trying to control myself before I flip.

But it didn't work.

I punched the wall, leaving a hole in it the way Aaron had did in the restaurant. "I HATE YOU!" I screamed at nothing. I was letting off steam. I've never been this mad in my life. Most girls would go home and cry because their crush was kissing another girl. But I am not just a regular girl.

I watched my parents and only sister die at age fourteen. I did drugs before. I got drunk. I got into fights over the stupidest of things. I got heart broken by someone who is now my friend. And I haven't told anyone but him.

That's the only reason he's me friend. Because he knows things about me no one else does. Same with Shane. Him and Matt, are the only ones that knows what happened to me. And now, no one else will ever know.

Actually, I was starting to ink I should tell him the whole story, before he went and fucked things up. Now, I don't even want to look at him.

I thought of that picture in my head. The one of Kayla and Aaron all on each other.

And I picked up a lamp and smashed it on the ground and into pieces. "I HATE YOU!" I yelled again. I stomped Into the kitchen and without thinking, I pull the cabinets open and take out a bunch on plates. I took the first one and smashed it on the ground. It shattered into a million pieces and did another.

And another.

And another.

And more and more, and more. I was using all my anger in throwing the plates. I didn't care how much trouble I was going to get in too. I am so mad, I don't care about anything anymore. It's exactly like when my family died. I cared, about nothing.

I did a bunch of stupid shit, and didn't care what I got for it. So.... I guess the whole heart broken thing is another excuse to do this. I don't care what comes after, or whatever the consequences are.

I heard the front door open and threw a plate into the living room. I heard a voice talking as the door shut. "Woahhhh!" I knew that was Shane. I just threw another plate on the ground and it shattered just like all the others had done.

Shane ran threw the archway and Into The kitchen. He was on the opposite side of the island counter of me as I threw another plate across the room. "Hey!" Shane yelled, ducking so the plate wouldn't hit him. "I HATE HIM!" I screamed at Shane, clenching the plate in my hand before slamming it against the wall.

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