20; Drama

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The story behind her.


Chapter twenty;


Aaron brought me home so late last night. No joke. I think I got at least two hours of sleep. We stayed at the broken down building maybe two or three hours afterwards. I accidentally fell asleep and Aaron's excuse was "You were so peaceful when you were asleep, I didn't want to wake you."

And like always, it made me blush.

I grunted and rolled myself out of bed, quickly taking a shower and doing everything I need in the bathroom. Then get dressed in a Nike shirt and skinny jeans. Along with my black converses.

I get everything together and walk to Shane's room. I slam my hand on the door. "Wake up, Cuz!" I scream, walking past it. A couple seconds later, he came out, following behind me. "Really Jas? Come on, slow down. Im driving!" I chuckled and hopped into my car. "Funny Shane. Like I'd let you drive."

He slid into the passenger seat. "Im getting better." He pouted. I rolled my eyes and started the car. "Sure."

Around fifteen minutes later, we pulled up to the school. Shane jumped out to go over towards some of his friends that were on the basketball team. I walked inside. And the whole way to my locker, I was surprised to not hear my name or anyone talking bad about me. I smiled once I reached my locker.

I hived my stuff inside, and grabbed the stuff I needed. Then I turned around,

Only to come face-to-face with the two bitch's making my life hell.

They glared at me, crossing their arms over their hug breasts. I simply raised an eyebrow, questioning why they are here and what they want. "So..... your after our Aaron?"

"What? Where did you-"

"Come on, dumbass. Don't play stupid." Marisa said, leaning forward. I rolled my eyes. "Im not after him, idiot."

"Oh please! Don't lie to us bitch! We know you want some of that just like everyone does."

I shook my head. "I seriously don't know what you guys are-" Kayla slammed my stuff down on the ground and stepped forward. "Bullshit! Aaron put Ronnie in a hospital because of you, and told everyone to stop saying stuff about you before they wind up like Ronnie. so you must've don't something to him. And you wouldn't have down anything if you didn't want something."

Aaron put Ronnie..... in a hospital?

I'm not sure wither to be happy, thrilled, or mad. A little bit of all three. And shocked. "What?"

"Your not only stupid! But your death too."

"I hear what you said, whore. I was just.... shocked..... why would he do that?"

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest again. Then shared a look with Marisa. "Like you don't know."

"I really don't." I had an guess..... but I wanted to know if I was right. She looked back at me and squinted her eyes. "Because Ronnie touched you. I don't know what you did with him. But you need to give us back the old Aaron. Or things will go downhill for you. We promise."

"Is something wrong here?"

All three of us turned our heads to see the sexy boy we were just talking about standing right before us. Marisa and Kayla puffed out their chest an turned on their innocent face. "No way, baby. We were just telling her how nice her hair looks today." Marisa looked at me before winking and looking back at Aaron.

The story behind herWhere stories live. Discover now