12; New Stranger

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The story behind her.

-New Stranger-

Chapter twelve;


I walk back inside the house still soaked. And once I did, I immediately regretted it. Because I got hell from Marisa. But I guess it's bad for Aaron. I could hear Alex screaming his lungs out to him in the corner.

"You slut!"

I jumped back at her angry words. Did she really just call me a slut?! "Excuse me?!" I yelled. She stepped closer to me and slapped my face. I gasped and stumbled back a bit. I slowly turned to her, holding my cheek with my jaw on the floor.

"You slapped me!"

"Your right bitch, and i'll fucking do it again!" She stepped up and slapped me again. I was pissed now. I shook it off, fisted my hand and punched her face, knocking her head back. She held her nose and caught her balance. "I didn't punch you!"

"What's wrong with you, Isa?! I didn't do shit to you!"

"Bullshit! You were out there making out with my boyfriend! Oh yea, and your dating Alex! You whore!" She jumped on me and I fell to the floor, hurting my back. She straddled me and punched my face repeatedly. Where was my caring best friend I had? What the hell? I brought my knee up and hit her in her butt, knocking her off me.

I jumped up and grabbed the collar of her shirt, pushing her against the wall. "Don't you ever put your hands on me again! I punched her face once.....


Three times.....

I turned her around so her head was facing the wall. I grabbed her hair and pulled it back, then slammed her head into the wall multiple times. I was about to do it again, but large arms wrapped around my stomach and pulled me off her. I threw my hands and les everywhere, trying to get free. "Fucking let me go, that hoe needs to know where her mouth is!"

"Stop, Hazel." I heard him whisper. knowing it was Aaron, now made me angry. It's his fault we are fighting. And since Marisa saw it, Alex had to of seen it. "This was your fault!" I grabbed the doorframe and held myself back. He tried to keep walking, but I brought my legs out and pushed him away with my foot.

He stumbled away from me and I stood in the doorway. I turned and looked at everyone.

Aaron was on the floor, his shirt still not there. Shane held Rachel, both looking scared out of there minds. Alex was holding Marisa now. Her face a bloody mess. I was pretty sure her nose was broken and she had two black eyes. Alex had her head in his lap, cleaning the blood off her face, and he looked up at me.

I felt the first tear come down. My lip quivered and everyone was looking at me. I gave a hate glare to Aaron. I took one small step and pointed a finer at him. "This is all.... your.... fucking.... fault." I turned around and stormed up the stairs.

I stayed in my room for the rest of the trip. Rachel or Shane would bring me food everyday. I usually have a conversation with them. But I only told Rachel the whole story. I couldn't tell Shane, or he'd say it was just a repeat of what happened years ago.

What happened then, I don't ever want to speak about.


Aaron would try to speak to me everyday. He would come to my room and knock on it, saying we needed to talk. I would just yell at him to go away. I could hear the sadness in his voice as he mumbled an 'Okay' and left. It just made me cry more.

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