18; A night at his house

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The story behind her.

-A night at his house-

Chapter eighteen;


Aaron's house wasn't that bad. In fact, it was pretty awesome. He showed me around, only about five seconds per room. I ha already known where his was, seeing as though I'd been in there twice.

We took a shower right when we got there. Aaron said I could wear his cloths so I just wore one of his t-shirts and his moms shorts. Which were really short. He took a shower too. And I walked into the living room.

He was laying one side with a shirt and jogging pants on. Which were both loose. I went and sat on the opposite side. "So whatcha wanna do, Hazel?"

He looked over at me and I shrugged. "I wanted to go home but-"

"Nah. My parents and little sister isn't home. So I couldn't just pass up that opportunity. So, tell me what you want to do." I shrugged again. "I would say watch a movie. But that's so fucking cliché. Besides, Im not gonna cuddle up next to you."

He chuckled and reached on the coffee table for the remote, his shirt lifting up barley to where I could see his belly button and blue Abercrombie underwear. Thats like the forth time.

Anytime his shirt is off, (Not including baiting shits.) I see some type of rich kid underwear on him. Im so weird. I swear. I gulp and look at the TV as he leans back on the couch. He then grabbed a remote controller and started playing Call of Duty.

I sighed and stood. "I'm gonna go get something to drink." I said. He glanced over at me before looking back at his game. I started walking towards the kitchen, but as I pass him, he grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I gasped as he encircled his arms around my waist, resting the controller on my lap.

My whole body heated up as he rested his cheek on my back. "Lets just stay like this, Hazel." I gulped and my hands went to his wrist, about to pull away his arms. But for some reason, I couldn't. It's not that he was stronger than me, but because my mind was getting weak. My body was weakening. And I didn't even try to push him away.

Which was surprising to both of us.

He waited for me to push away before resuming his game. He then put his chin on my shoulder, the way Alex had done that one day.


Damn I really need to apologize to him. He probably thinks I cheated on him, but I didn't even mean for that kiss to happen. Besides, I wasn't even dating Aaron anyway. Im not now either. So this whole lap thing, is kinda awkward.

After a while I felt like I was sweating horribly. Well, maybe not sweating, but burning up. Even thought the house was freezing cold. I couldn't take it anymore. I jumped off his lap and took a few steps away from him. He questioned me with his face.

Mainly because I waited around ten minutes before getting off. Which was surprising. "Did I do something? Accidentally touch you? I-"

"No! N-No, it's just. I- You- This-...." I sighed and gulped, running a hand through my hair. "I don't even know...." I mumbled and covered my ace with my hands. I heard Aaron shuffle around a little. And then I felt his body heat staring right in front of me. I gulped. He slowly, and softly, grabbed my wrists and moved them away from my face.

He held them in between both of us, so if he moved forward, he'd still have that in between us. "Hazel...." age waited for me to move my eyes up to him. And I slowly did. Listening to exactly what he told me to. Stupid me. He smiled down at me, while I strained my neck to look up at him. "Why don't you say what you feel?"

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