“You’d better get me some coffee too, Louis,” I added, flashing him a smile. I already felt better knowing that he was happy, despite the predicament we were both still in.

“Sure,” he said slowly. “Everything is going to be alright, Harry.” I stood in the doorway, leaning up against the frame, trying to figure out what Louis meant by that for a moment as he shuffled back out of the kitchen. I could hardly believe that the fashionista that Louis could be was still going to go out looking as messy as he did. I studied the stain on his pants more closely, and it was starting to resemble blood. It can't be, I thought, trying to rationalize it. I lost myself in my own thoughts. He finally shoved past me to head back out of the door. I waited to hear the click of the door opening, but it never came. I spun around to see what he was doing, starting to get seriously freaked out.

He was gone.

Vanished into thin air.

I rubbed furiously at my eyes, thoroughly confused. What the hell was going on? He had been so solid; there was no way that this was my imagination. Everything had been so real. I could still hear the sound of his voice in my head, the exact way his eyes had sparkled when he had smiled at me. He had to be here somewhere.

“Louis?” I called out, to see if he was still in the flat. There was no answer. I called again, louder, but there was still no response. I reached into the pocket of my pants and pulled out my cell phone. Dialing Louis’ number quickly, I tried to get ahold of him. I counted the rings, over and over, and finally his voicemail played.

No answer.

I called again and again, the loud, shrill rings blasting in my ear. The seconds ticked by, turning into minutes. There was still no answer. I wandered around the flat with the phone still pressed to my ear, peeking around corners. Why wasn't he answering? My heart raced as adrenaline still poured into my system from the scare. The doorbell rang, and I nearly leapt out of my skin. Walking back toward it, I stood there, staring at the door for the longest time before I decided to open it. I inched my way closer to it, and grabbed the handle, yanking it open all in one huge motion. I was surprised to see Kate’s blue eyes staring back at me, showing almost the same emotion that I’d seen from Louis’ only moments before.

“Was Louis out there?” I asked her, sounding more desperate and crazy than I wanted to. Kate’s brow furrowed and she gave me a puzzled look.

“No,” she responded slowly, a look of shock passing over her face. “I haven’t seen him.” I just stood there staring at her. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other while she stood in the hallway. Where did Louis go? He was just here, and I knew him well enough to know that he doesn't move that fast. 

Or that silently. 

I was so confused. What had he meant by, "Everything will be alright?" What would? What was wrong in the first place? I'd still forgotten to ask him. I was really worried now, and I just wished that he could be back here so that we could talk all of this out. I wish I'd thought to stop him and make him tell me what was going on. I couldn't push away the feeling like he was gone. It was like I couldn't sense his presence anymore, almost as if he'd fallen off the face of the earth.

It was creepy, and it was really starting to bother me. 

Kate cleared her throat and pulled me out of my internal panicking. "Can I come in?" I nodded quickly and backed up, holding the large door open for her. She stepped over the threshold, and onto the dark wooden floors. There was something about this that felt so awkward. I knew that Kate was my best friend, and we could tell each other anything, and I didn't know why. Something about this was changing us; changing our friendship, and I didn't want that. I couldn't stand the thought of not having her company again. I just wanted to tell her everything that had happened. I wanted her to give me advice as if this was my problem, but I couldn't bring myself to ask. 

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