Chapter 2: Dinner with the Kings

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My first dinner in Arizona was horrible.

By the time we got every single box inside, it was already too late to cook dinner. And all of our kitchen supplies was somewhere in the thousand boxes. So mom decided to go get pizza, Little Caesars, pizza. Probably one of the worst pizza's I've every tasted. I missed the pizza from Cali, I missed dad's beach house, I missed my friends, I missed everything about Cali. 

But enough about my old life, it was time to focus on my new one, and dinner with the King family. After Mason left yesterday, mom told me that he had a bigger family at home, and that their last name was King. I played his name over and over in my head last night, Mason King. Mason King. It sounded so mysterious, like he was royalty. 

Not only was Mason King on my mind last night, the stupid Arizona heat wouldn't go away. I tossed and turned all night, I was even tempted to strip, but then I thought about my mother walking in and seeing me and thinking the worst, so I voted against it. When I woke up in the morning, I was sweating like crazy as I slowly walked to the Bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I got dressed and headed to the living room to see mom unpacking stuff. 

"Oh Emma, you're awake! Come over here and help me please." she asked me. I groaned but walked over to her and started to help her. We pulled out all of the kitchen stuff and then went for the living room stuff. The big things like the couches, coffee tables, and flat screen TV was already in place. All we had to unpack was the picture frames, and random stuff that went in a living room. 

While I was going through all of the pictures, I came across an old photo of my parents smiling and happy. It must have been when they first got married because I noticed their rings on their fingers. Then I glanced down to see a little girl with pig tails tugging on my mom's leg. The little girl was me, I must have been two or three. They were so happy that day, if I remember correctly that was around the time we moved to the beach house and I saw the beach for the first time. 

Everything was so easier then, when they were in so much love, and I was the joy of their world. How did things change so drastically? They were obviously in love, what happened to make them argue so much? Why did their love turn into hatred? Why don't they even give me a reason? 

"Emma, are you okay?" my mom's voice came to my head. I stared at her with a little water in my eyes. I had no idea how long I was staring at that photo, but by the look on my mother's face, it was for a while. 

"I think so..." I said as I placed that photo on the end table. My mom looked over to see what photo it was, and frowned when she saw. 

"Sweetie, we don't need to put photos like that in the living room." she said as she reached for it. I stopped her before she could get to it. 

"Why not?" I asked. She just stared at me, like I knew why. "I don't know what happened between you and dad but why does that affect whether or not we have a photo of the three of us together and happy?" I asked. She was about to say something, but there was a knock at the door, followed by the doorbell. "I got it." I mumbled. 

I answered the door to see a fancier dressed Mason, or at least it looked like him. He was wearing a black and blue button up shirt and he was wearing glasses. He looked liked Mason, but not at the same time. He smiled. "Hello, we're here to take you to dinner." he said as he held out his hand for me to shake. 

I was thinking that I already shook hands with Mason, and if this was him I would feel lotion. I took his hand and it felt similar but it didn't smell the same. Who is this? "Um...Mason?" I asked unsure. He smiled and chuckled a little. 

"Uh, close, but no, I'm Benji. Nice to meet you." he said with a grin on his face. If this was Benji, then why did he look like Mason? Then out of no where Mason came up behind him and gave me a sexy grin. My stomach did a another flip. 

"I see you've met my little brother Benji." Mason said. 

"I'm not your little brother, I was born two minutes before you." Benji pointed out.

"Doesn't matter, you act like it." Mason came back. It took me a minute to realize that they were brothers, and that they were born around the same time, and that they looked alike. They were twins. I've never met twins before, especially hot ones. 

"Sounds to me like you're jealous that Benji is older." I said with a smile playing on my lips. Mason gave me a look and then pouted. 

"But I'm the older one, you wouldn't know until you got to know us better." he replied. 

"What makes you think I'm going to get to know you better? Why are you assuming again?" I came back. 

"Whoa, calm down sassy pants, no need for that." He said with a smile. I couldn't help but smile at his remark, but I didn't like what he called me. 

"Sassy pants?" I asked. Mason smiled and Benji gave me a slight smile.

"That's your new nickname, enjoy." he said with a smile. I gave Mason a look and then looked back at Benji. 

"I'll go get my mom, and we'll be out in five okay?" I said and Benji nodded. Mason gave me a smirk, and I was guessing it was for his sassy pants remark. I shut the door and go into the living room. "Mom, it's time to go over to dinner with the Kings." I said. She nodded as I headed to my room. I had on a tank top and shorts and had my hair in a messy bun, and I just realized that they saw me like that. 

I changed into a black skirt and red crop top, then brushed through my straight hair and decided to leave my hair down. Once I was done, I put on my converses and saw my mother waiting for me at the door. We opened the door and Benji smiled at my outfit and said hello to my mother. Mason stopped and stared with his mouth slightly opened, as if he's never seen a girl in a skirt before. 

"You act as if you've never seen a girl in a skirt before." I said in my sassy tone. A big grin appeared on his face. 

"Not every girl looks as stunning as you, sassy pants." he said blushing a little. His remark made me blush and smile, even though I didn't want to. We walked down the street to their two story house and walk inside. Mom and Benji went in first and then Mason let me go in front of him. All I could think of was that he was trying to be nice, but I wasn't sure. 

When I walked in the first thing I noticed was how big the house was and how much it looked like a home. Family photos on the walls, big couches, and laughter was coming from the Kitchen. "Mom, dad, we're home!" Benji said as he led us to the Kitchen. His parents turned around and his mom had  smile on her face. She was so beautiful. Her dirty blonde hair was so pretty, and her ice blue eyes were full of life. I now knew where Mason and Benji got their looks from. 

"It's so nice to see you again, Catherine! And it's so nice to meet you Emma, please have a seat, dinner will be ready any minute." she said warmly as my mom walked over to her and hugged her. 

"I'm Henry, and that's my wife Kelly." Henry said as he stirred the mash potatoes. The stakes were all grilled and on the table, next to the corn on the cobs. 

"She's here! She's here!" came a little voice from behind me. I heard little footsteps coming down the stairs, making it sound like thunder. I was confused at first but then I felt someone tugging on my skirt. I look down to see a little cute blonde boy with a big grin on his face. 

"Hi, I'm David. It's really nice to meet you." he said in an adorable kid voice. I instantly smiled. "Can I call you Em em?" he asked. I nodded in approval and he lit up like a star. 

"Okay! Now, you're gonna meet the family! Come on!" he said while he grabbed my hand and dragged me away. Mason laughed and Benji smiled as I was being dragged away by an adorable little kid. 

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