What I Love About You

Start from the beginning

I stand up and stretch my arms.

I walk upstairs to grab Nina.

I tap on the door and she and Alex are playing a video game.

"Hi baby, did you finish?" She puts the controller down and walks over to me.

"I did." I smile at her.

"My turn?" She asks.

"Your turn." I say and we walk out into the hall way.

"I love you." She kisses me on the lips.

"I love you too." I smile down at her.

"I'll be back up when I'm done." She heads down the stairs.

I walk back into the guest room with Alex.

"She told me about the video you guys are making for Harlow. I like that idea." Alex says.

I sit down in a chair.

"Yeah I did too." I pick up the controller.

"Wanna race?" Alex asks.

"Yeah man." I say.


Nina's POV

"Hi my sweet Harlow. I'm here to talk about your dad, my husband, my best friend, the love of my life. To tell you everything I love about him. So when you're going through your first heart break, I'll pull this out of the closet and we will watch it together. With bowls of ice cream. I want you to know what made me fall madly in love with your dad. And all the things I love about him. So maybe one day, you will know what you might love about that special someone. Your dad and I met at work. We play on a tv show called The Vampire Diaries. We've known each other for four years now. So much has happened in just those four short years. We met. We became friends. We became more than friends. We fell in love. We got engaged. We got pregnant with you. We got married. We bought our first home. We brought you into this world. And here we are today. You are 2 months old. The light of our life's. So about your dad. What do I love about him? Obviously everything. He's never let me down. I can always count on him to cheer me up and be there for me when I need him the most. I love those blue eyes of his. When I first met your dad, those eyes are what caught my attention. And then this smirk he gives. I knew he was meant to be in my life. I love all the little things he does. Like how he does most of the cleaning. Even when I try to help him he pushes me away. He says "I'll do it. You go relax." I wish he would let me help but your dad likes to have his way with certain things. I love his cooking. Your dad was meant to be a chef as well as an actor. His cooking is the best. You will know soon enough. He cooks a lot. I love that he's always up for adventures with me. Even if they involve bungee jumping off a cliff. Or just going on 2 in the morning walks. I love that he will watch my favorite movies with me. Even the cheesy love story ones. I love that when we lay in bed before falling asleep, he plays with my hair. I love waking up to him kissing me good morning. I love that he puts up with me pulling pranks. All the dang time. He's a brave man. I love how he always makes me smile. Even if I'm mad at him, he will always put a smile on my face. And how he always makes me laugh. I love that. I love how he doesn't mind staying home to play games or to just cuddle all day long. I love how he is so kind. And so romantic. But I'll save you the future "mom no fast forward it, I don't wanna listen to that!" So we will skip that. I love that he can still give me that butterfly feeling. I love the way he always holds my hand. I love that he makes me feel safe. And most of all, I love watching him be a dad. He's so good with you, Harlow. You're wrapped around his finger already. Well maybe both of ours. But I have a feeling you're going to be a daddy's girl. We love you so much. And you're my sweet girl. You will always be my little baby. Even when you're twenty something and possibly getting married, you will be my baby. So in a few years when we watch this, I can't wait to give you a hug and tell you everything will be okay. We all go through heart breaks. And look where it can get us." I end the video.

I turn the camera off and put it in the bag.

I walk upstairs and over to guest room.

"Hey, I'm done." I peek my head in and let Ian know.

"Okay. I'll meet you in there." Ian winks.

Alex ignores us and keeps on playing the game.

"I'll see you in the morning Alex." I hear Ian say and I walk into the bedroom.

I walk over and lay down on the bed. Throwing my arms above my head.

Ian walks in and shuts the door behind him.

"Hi beautiful." He leans over me and kisses me.

"Did you finish?" He asks.

"Yes. I'll edit it and put it together later. But right now.." I put my hands on his cheeks.

"I want you." I say and kiss him again.

He slides his hand up my shirt.

"I want you too." He whispers into my ear and kisses down my neck.

I smile when he comes back up to my mouth.

"Happy?" He asks.

"Always am." I kiss his lips softly.

His hand runs through the top of my hair.

"I love you, Nina." He kisses me.

"I love you too, Ian." I kiss him back.

We throw our clothes off onto the floor.

And disappear under the sheets.


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