When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

"Excuse be for eavesdropping on your conversation, but, I'll be around for Sofie and the baby all of the time. I may be piloting in the military but I will never let anything come before my child and Sofie. I dont even let my family come between us. The entire reason we came here was because of things my father tried to claim. I'll have you know I defended Sofie and told my father to leave us alone so we can be a family without his pain in the ass ways. So before you go around accusing me of ways I wont be, let me tell you how it will be first. If Sofie wants to stay here, we will. But if she wants to go back to my country, we'll do that too. But why dont we wait for Sofie to wake uo to make that decision." I said, crossing my arms over my chest, looking straight at her mom. Not even noticing her fiancee next to her. Jason pulls me back some towards the door and I glare at him. No way am I leaving Sofie.

He gives me a sympatheic look. "Dont kill him, like I want too. You'll regret it more than me." He said, nodding towards Josh. ( I forgot his name. Ugh. )

"Sofie is my daughter, mine! I will do as I please with her, your only a boyfriend. A stop sign to her future, the sooner you leave the better." Her mother growls, pointing a finger at me.

"I'm not going anywhere." I hold my stance. Just then, a low, raspy sounding, "Stop." was whispered. Everyone's heads in the room whipped around to Sofie lying in the bed. Her eyes were fluttering open and she was searching for something with her hand. I run over to her bedside and grab her hand. Her lips curl up into a small smile and she weakly squeezes my hand.

"I've missed you, Harry." She whispered raspily. I sigh in relief, leaning over to kiss her lips gently.

"I've missed you way more, Sofie. Dont ever do that shit to me again!" I say, half joking. She laughs and smiles, mouthing a "sorry".



When I woke up that day in the hospital, I heard my mom telling Harry I was her daughter and that he was a stop sign in my life. I wanted to cry but my eyes wouldnt produce tears. I force my voice to croak a stop and my eyes to flutter open. Harry was the first to run over to me when they realized I was awake. That was two days ago. The hospital let me go home yesterday afternoon. I didnt want to go home, but I didnt want to go to a hotel or my brothers messy apartment, so home was the only choice.

I lay in my bed while Harry helps me pack some of my personal things of value. I told him I dont want to raise our child in America. Its much to dangerous, its a lot safer in his country. "You wear this? I've got to see it." He said, holding up a red soxs jersey. I laugh and climb out of bed. I pull my shirt over my head and snatch the jersey from him. I pull in on, then grab my cow boy boots and pull them on. I already had ripped shorts on.

"Cute, huh?" I wink, doing a little twirl for him. Lust flashes through his eyes and my stomach twists.

Harry steps forward, grabbing me by my waist. "More like sexy." He said, voice full of lust. He pulls me to him and kisses me forcefully. I laugh against his lips at his urgency. I push him away and go back to my bed. He groans as he goes back into my closet.

"So, like my little room?" I ask him as he throws clothes out onto the floor.

"Hell yeah. Makes me feel like I'm back in teenage years. It still looks like a teenagers room." He said, holding up an old year book.

I roll my eyes as he throws it onto my bed. "Because it really still is. I haven't change it since my dad died. The mess has only grown bigger over the years though." I laugh. I pick up a scrapbook Stevie and I made one day when we had nothing to do. Pictures of us and a few other girls at a game of flag football with our football player boyfriends. All the girls were wearing short shorts and tiny tank tops covered in mud. The guys had their arms flung around us. My face was shocked, mouth wide open as my boyfriend of the time, Kyle, had pinched my ass. I always felt gross when he touched me, but everyone told me he was a good guy for me. After a month of my time, I found out he cheated on me every tuesday night with different girls each time. As I flip through, I realise, I dont miss high school at all. I'm glad is way past over. Before, I said I missed it but now that I have this new life, I totally dont miss it.

"Wow, you really did used to be a little slut, huh?" Harry said, holding up a black lacey corset. I laugh and take it from him.

"Halloween." I explain. Stevie and I decided to dress as sluts this year for halloween. Great time seeing all the girls pissed and jealous but not so fun with the guys attention. Even less fun when my brother came to the same party and seen me in it.

A knock on my door an hour later pulls Harry and I's attention away from my past. "Sofie, can I come in?" I hear my mom call from outside of my bedroom door. I glance at Harry and gulp. "Please?" She begged.

"Come in." I call. When she comes in, I notice her taking in Harry and I's position. Harry is behind me and me between his legs, his hands are resting on my bare stomach. For some reason, he likes to rub my stomach since he found out I'm pregnant. I'm not claiming though, it relaxes me.

My mom takes a seat on the edge of my bed and looks back at Harry before looking back at me. "I want to apoligize for my actions at the hospital, Harry and Sofie too. I'm glad your happy, Sofie. It just hurts to see my little girl making mistakes I tried so helplessly to stop you from doing." She almost continues, but I cut her off with a cold glare.

"My being pregnant is not a mistake. Dont call my child a mistake, mother." I growl, covering Harry's hands with mine. This baby was an accident, but certainly not a mistake. My mom looks shocked at the cold tone of my voice.

"Sorry... I'm going to miss you, Sofie." She said, reaching to pull me into a hug. 

I shrink back into Harry more. "I dont want to hug you mother. Dont tell me youll miss me either. Its your fault I'm leaving. You've fucked everything up, mom. Your forgetting about dad and getting married to a twenty something year old, you never told me about. You call your grandchild a mistake and you say the love of my life is just a stop sign. Make my life easier mom, and leave me alone. There is no one to blame but yourself." I growl. Tears slid down her cheeks and she gets up and leaves the room.

"Your dad would be disappointed." She whispered as she left the room. My mouth fell open as I slap a hand over it. That was like a slap in the face to me. Call me anything, say anyone else in the world is disappointed, but when it comes to my dad, that hurts. I never want to disappoint my dad. A hot tear leaks out of my eye and rolls down my cheek.

Harry leans down and pulls my hair to one side. "Your dad would be proud, Sofie. Dont let her get to you." He kissed the side of my neck. I sigh and wipe my eyes, knowing he is right. My mom is just pissed with me, so she said what she knew would hurt me.

Harry slides down and pulls me ontop of him, encircling his arms around me. "So tomorrow when we get off of our plane, we have a lot to do. But if its ever to much, you have to tell me, okay?" Harry said, sounding more than concerned.

I nod and kiss him quickly. "We go straight to a press conference from the plane. From there we'll eat lunch. Then go to parliment. After, we have another conference and tell the verdict. After that, we go from whatever the veredict is. If you stay, we celebrate. If you go, we pack our things and go." He looks me straight in the eye as he speaks.

"I dont care what happens, as long as we are together and happy." I smile at him.


alright, is this story going shitty? I feel like no one is into it. Feed back or tell me what you think is missing? Cool? <3

V & C? :)

mucho grande love, xxoo.

did i spell that wrong? opps. ;)

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