Grub!reader x Shared custody! HS troll girls!: daily routine

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Warning! fluff and joint custody! (f/f)= Fav Fish.

ps: i make up my own words. fair warning bro.


You giggled as your rust-blooded lusus ran around with you above her head, your (h/c) hair swishing in the breeze as Aradia laughed with you. A minute ago you your high-blooded lusus, Feferi, had given you swimming lessons and called you her little "(f/f)", then you played pirates with your spiderly lusus, Vriska, and "forced" her to walk the plank earning you the title of the ultimate pirate. Then Nepeta taught you how to draw hearts, then after that you and your draconic lusus played Executioners together and after your hour with Aradia, you'd get to play dress up with your stylish lusus Kanaya! Why do you have so many lusi? Well, that's actually your fault but you regret nothing.

(flashback brought to you by caramel dancen Karkat!)

The boys were all too busy and only the girls were willing to take you in; they had actually let you stay one day with each of them so you could pick which one you thought would be the right custodian for you. Now you had to pick from the six wonderful guardians. You kept in mind each quirk, positive and negative traits in each one; but you were attached to each of them now, you could't pick one no matter how hard you tried.

You loved Kanaya; she was very maternal and patiant, and she loved dressing you up and speaking to you. You also loved Aradia; she ran around with you on her head all day looking for new discoveries and taught you things about archaeology. Yet still you loved Vriska; she may seem mean at first, but she's very protective and caring once you know her, and it was so much fun playing pirates! You loved Nepeta too; she was cute, cuddly and playful and her puns were to die fur. You loved Feferi just as much; she'd let you wrap yourself up in her colossal hair like a seaweed taco and taught you to swim. You loved Terezi as well; she had morals and stuck to them while also making it fun for you and telling you tales about dragons.

All the thoughts in your head, knowing you could only have one and had to leave the rest behind, hurt you in so many ways you thought your little blood-pusher would explode. You didn't even notice you started sobbing until Vriska scooped you into her arms and cooed to you in her usual, yet softer drawl. How could you leave this for another? But at the same time, how could you leave the others for this? It was confusing and you shouldn't have to think about it.

"I have an idea!" Aradia stated with determination as she slapped her fist on her open palm.

"Do tell us Aradia," Kanaya encouraged in her soft, reassuring way.

"Why don't we share her?" the rustblood recommended and puffed her chest out, like she discovered the equivalent to gravity.

Feferi blinked and tilted her head in confusion, "Glub? Shell her?"

Aradia nodded. "Yes! I saw it on this human website; it said that when two or more people share a charge they call it 'joint custody'! We can all have an hour alone with her; then we all spend time with her together!"

"What site did you see that on?" Vriska arched a brow.

"Divorce and your Family," was the blunt response.

"That figures..." Vriska clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes.

"So we'd be watching mewvies and stuff togefur?" Nepeta asked as Aradia nodded excitedly.

"Exactly! You got it Nepeta!"

"First we should make sure everyone, especially (name) is up for it." Kanaya reasoned as everyone sat in a circle, you at the center. It was quiet and you could hear the chirp-beasts in the trees twittering so everyone would have a fair vote.

"I would not mind; actually, I think it may be rather interesting." Kanaya said first and tickled you chin just to hear your laugh she loved so much.

"I'm the one who recommended it, so I'm in." Aradia grinned.

"AC has pawndered this issmew carefurly and has clawed her way to a conclusion;  she shall suppurrt this idea!" Nepeta stated jovially as she threw her arms in the air.

"Wow; this all shore does sound exciting! I can't wait to start!" Feferi clapped.

"As long as I get my (name)-time, I don't care." Vriska shrugged.

"Hehehehe; (name), you and I have infiltrated the enemies defenses! We need to keep up the charade!" Terezi chortled as Vriska gave her a blank look.

"You realize you said everything out loud and we can hear you, right?"

"Oh no! They're on to us! Retreat (name)! Carry on my legacy!" Terezi flung her cane out dramatically and almost whacked the blue-blood on the head.

"Jegus watch it with that thing!" she hissed.

It was wonderful and everyone was smiling. Then...

"I get first watch!" Aradia volunteered.

"What the hell Megido, I called dibs!" Vriska snapped.

"Since when?" Terezi snickered with an arched brow, "I woulda heard that!"

"Stay outta this you justice fanatic!" Vriska again.

"Ac pounces for the oppurrtunaty to be first to purrlay with her kitten!" Nepeta hyped.

"I want to be the first to cuttlefish my (f/f)!" Feferi harrumphed.

During the squabbling no one noticed Kanaya pick you up and take you inside for lunch.


DONE AT LAAAAST! okay i actually just now wrote this and it's literally 2:20 in the morning but i had to get this done! another request done!

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