Human!Gamzee x Baby!Reader

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Gamzee was just coming home back from the store after picking up some wicked elixir when he heard a baby whine. Now, never one to let a li'l soul sib stay sad, he went to investigate and maybe juggle something to cheer a motherfucker up.

Twisting open the top to his cherry faygo, he took a sip and sighed in satisfaction before heading towards the sound of infantile sobs. Much to the clown boy's surprise, he found you abandoned in a small cardboard box.

"What in the motherfuck...?" he mumbled and picked you up under your little arms and held you out at arm's length.

You looked into his odd purple eyes and took in his odd makeup that covered three scars across his face that he'd gotten when some drunkard broke his beer-bottle and slashed him across his face. You reached out your hands to him and gave a garble of some sort, tears forgotten at the arrival of the odd teen.

He slowly pulled you closer so he could look into your own (e/c) eyes that held a child-like innocence he himself lost early on in his life.

You reached out a tiny (s/c) hand and patted his cheek before giggling, flaunting your lack of teeth to him.

"Hey... you're a pretty cool sis/bro~," he laughed until you sneezed, his usual jovial expression twisted to worry as paternal instincts took root, wrapping your tiny form in his dark purple jacket carefully and cradling you close to his chest.

You grabbed his shirt and snuggled as close to him as you could get, listening to his gentle heartbeat.

"You're so cute~!" he cooed quietly and started walking to his house; he'd take you to the police tomorrow and find out if you were missing. If not...

Well, he wasn't one to leave a li'l sibling all up and alone now, was he? He'd just have to find a way to keep you.


Short chap is suuuuuper short.... i feel a bit ashamed. hey, i plan to add another soon or somethin if enough people request it. i don't own the image or the cosplayer (wish i did)

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