...Parker Joined ONE (Pt.2)

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Sup' my Edgelings?!

Another chapter of the ParkingLotte AU!!! Yipeeee!!!

Me writing this chapter be like: "Hey you want some nostalgia?"

You: "Uh..."

Me: "I don't care!!!" *slaps you in the face with Episode 16.... Respectfully lol.*


The cold, sterile sun beat down monotonously on the saturated green artificial grid spanning out into the distance. Triangular, two dimensional spikes poked out of the ground, pointing up at the fake source of light above. But for one of the Plane's inhabitants, the light was becoming continuously dimmer as her vision failed, eaten away by an unforgiving parasite.

Hundreds of thousands of tiny needles stabbed into her body from the inside, most of her skin was dead and numb, but what little of her exterior that hadn't crumbled away itched terribly. The entire right side of her body had begun crumbling into dust, it had been numb for a long time now... her right arm no longer existed, both her legs were paralyzed and useless, she could barely twitch her right hand if she really concentrated. Her mouth was paralyzed, so she was unable to even speak to the others who came to check on her daily.

But they hadn't come in several days. They had been too occupied doing Airy's challenges, forgetting about her as she wasted away, oh so slowly. She could barely tell light from dark with her single, failing eye. A dark smudge had slowly crept across her sight as the horrible green parasite took over her eye in an agonizingly gradual manner. It was in no hurry to finish its task, as if it enjoyed prolonging her suffering.

She could barely see, could barely move, couldn't smell, couldn't hear. She couldn't fight anymore. She had given up several weeks ago, when her legs began to fail. Even her thoughts were slowly being eaten away, her memories fading one by one. She was trapped in this rotting prison of a body, at the mercy of the mold that consumed her like a delicacy.

Finally, the mold took the last of her eyesight, and she was plunged into total darkness. She hardly felt as a large chunk of her head withered and crumbled off like sand. That's exactly what she was... a pitiful sandcastle being slowly washed away by the approaching tide of death.

Most of the time her mind was blank, but sometimes she would be tortured with sharp bursts of consciousness, where she would have nothing to do but contemplate her misery and wallow in her regrets.

This was the end... trapped in this game show for some psychopaths entertainment, being watched by countless viewers as all her bad decisions finally caught up to her. Why couldn't she have just laid down her pride for just a moment? Why had she been so stubborn? If it weren't for her stupid thick-headedness, she wouldn't be laying here, rotting into nothingness.

If only she had listened... listen to... to who again? She vaguely remembered a voice warning her about mold, but the face was blurry... She couldn't remember who it was... and for some reason... that made her want to sob. Why? Did that person matter to her? She couldn't remember...

It wouldn't be long now...

She could feel her body giving out...

Slowly... crumbling away...

"Why do we have to keep checking on her? She's just the same as she's always been..." Whippy Creamy complained as he strutted towards the tall wooden pool, thinking about how much he'd rather be relaxing.

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