...I made a BFB/TPOT AU

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Ay! What up my radical Edgebros!

Wait, why do I sound like 9 all the sudden?

Ok.... moving on.... Yeah... the title explains it pretty well. I call this the Xquality AU.

Things to note:

#1 - This is one of the rare chapters that doesn't have any hfjONE characters in it... But I got very inspired by an AU I found on YouTube. So I'm doing this now. Lol. Take it or leave it I guess.

#2 - I get it if you don't want to watch the whole BFB and TPOT series before reading this (they are really long). That's totally fine. You can read this with no prior knowledge on the series, but it might be a little confusing at first lol.

#3 - Just thought I'd give you a little preview of what this AU is about so that you know whether or not you want to read it. This is mostly about the Algebraliens, all other characters will only be mentioned. I'll just give you some basic character details. 4 is sadistic, but has a redemption arc. 2 is a good little British number (he's my favorite), but gets used by someone else for... reasons. 14 is awesome lol. The other numbers are... there... they have roles but I can't tell too much without spoiling it. And finally x is the main character and also... ;)


Xquality AU

X sighed as they sat down on top of one of the tall mountains dotting the landscape. They looked down and watched as 4 did break at flake? Cake at stake? X didn't know what they called it anymore. A tear welled up in X's eye as they watched 4 start to explain the next contest, remembering their words...

"No one noticed you were gone..."

Sure, it had been a while since 4 said that, and X did their best to forget, but the words still rang in his head like a constant alarm clock. Just the fact that 4 themself didn't even notice he was gone stung terribly. The contestants, X could understand, but 4? Their best friend? How did they just... forget about X? Did they really mean so little to 4?

X rubbed his sore arms and not for the first time started to question how much of a "friend" 4 really was. 4 forgot them, hurt them, and even killed them... sure they recovered X, but still... Would a true friend kill them to begin with? Just for saying they weren't blue?

X thought back to their time with 2, sure it hadn't lasted long, but it had been enough time to make X think more about the way 4 treated him. They hadn't known 2 for very long, but even so... 2 had never once tried to hurt them...

X swallowed the bitterness in their throat as they remembered how they had been brought back to 4 against their will. After 4 themself had demanded that they leave with 2 no less! X wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. So he pretended to be happy to be back, even though their time with 2 had been much more pleasant.

And his trust was betrayed. X got their limbs ripped off just for trying to help. They got killed for saying they weren't blue. The garden they started had been destroyed. They got set on fire for days before 4 finally decided to make the contestants do something about it. Even more bitterness welled up inside X as they realized that 4 never even tried to help them. They always just made the contestants do it.

Did 4 care at all?

And then! To top it all off, 4 still expected X to be their happy little friend all the time. They just expected X to forgive them for everything. Never apologized. Nothing. Yet they still didn't want X to hang out with anyone else?! How was that fair?

What if... (hfjONE-shots)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora