...Parker joined ONE

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'Sup Edgelings!!

Two chapters in the span of three days!! I'm on fire!!!!!

ParkingLotte!!!! Whoop whoop!!

I just could not be patient when it came to this AU, it's been sitting on the back burner for weeks and is now fully cooked and ready to be served up to you guys!!! I also have another AU stewing for the future... but I need to wrap up some of the ones I've already started first...

I'm excited to be writing my first ever AU with a ship in it!


Delicate snowflakes fell through the sub-zero air, each one's dance intertwining with another's. The white particles of ice swirled in the biting breeze. As they delicately laid to rest on the ground, piling one on top of another, they created a glistening layered blanket covering everything in sight. A sea of white frost concealing the world beneath as its frozen waves gave the illusion of movement.

But the only one currently swimming in this sea was a shivering chocolate bar with golden wrapper skin. Clutched in one of his gloved hands was a single rose bought from a nearby grocery store. He hugged his arms around himself attempting to retain as much heat as possible, his warm breath coming out in cloudy puffs. The suburbs of New York City were far from forgiving in the dead of winter.

His feet plowed through the ocean of fresh snow, careful to remain on the sidewalk and not wander into the road. The salt that had been spread prior to the blizzard was working hard to keep the ice on the asphalt street melted, but was struggling to keep up as the snowfall thickened.

Because of this freezing onslaught from the sky, most reasonable souls were curled up inside one of the multi-story apartment buildings that lined this particular street, but Parker decided to go out on a short trip to the local grocery store. Now he was regretting his decision dearly.

He squinted as the wind blasted into him, showering his dark green front in icy discomfort. His red scarf whipped wildly in the gust. His eyes stung, tears blinding his vision as snow continued to blow in his face. It was at times like these that he missed the humid warmth of his old home in Georgia the most.

The pale, barely visible light of the streetlamps looming overhead were his only indication that he was still walking the right way. Now not only the ground was hidden by white, but so was the very air itself. The poor visibility was hindered even further by the slowly fading sun as it sank over the horizon. The snow no longer danced through the sky, only fell to the ground in a tightly packed sheet that made even breathing a difficult chore.

"Ugh!" Parker groaned as his chest rammed into a blue post office box placed rather inconveniently on the sidewalk in his path. But he was grateful despite the throbbing pain in his midsection, because this was probably the only landmark that would let him know he had arrived at his destination.

He took a sharp left turn off the main sidewalk and attempted to feel through the snow with his boot to find the narrow walkway leading to his apartment complex. Not at all sure he was heading the right direction, he trudged on, shuddering and desperate to get out of this foul weather.

"Ack!" He grunted as his face slammed into the door. He blindly groped for the doorknob, double checking his other hand to make sure that he still had the rose. Otherwise this whole miserable trip would be a complete waste. Thankfully it was still there, frozen and stiff, but at least he hadn't dropped it.

What if... (hfjONE-shots)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora