...Airy was a Tiny Co-Host (Pt.4)

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Heyo Edgelings!

ONE Lost Soul AU (Pt.4)

YOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! The document I'm writing my ONE-shots on just reached OVER 100 PAGES!!!! I am so proud of myself!

This chapter is much happier than the last one (thank goodness am I right?). But yeah, Season 2, Batch 1 is here ya'll!! This chapter was really cool to write, and I hope you like it!

Things to note:

#1 - This chapter looks a lot like episode 1, but the chapters after this will start getting more chaotic and less like the original storyline!


Bryce groaned as he stumbled into his apartment, light-headed and slightly nauseous. But hey, right now he was just grateful that he managed to get home without wrecking. Gosh, that was all he needed right now.

The soda bottle wobbled over to his bed in the one-room apartment, and collapsed face-first onto it. He just needed sleep, he'd deal with his hangover and demotion in the morning...

Next thing he knew, bright, warm light was shining through his shut eyelids. "Seriously? Already? It's only been like 2 hour-" He rolled over and opened his eyes, stopping mid-sentence when he saw that his apartment was... gone.

What the-

There were four other objects standing around him on a flat, grassy plane. A teenage magazine was pacing and mumbling in a panicked voice, a teal candle was balancing on one leg with her eyes closed, a baby tomato sat giggling and playing with the grass, and a moldy piece of bread was... yelling furiously.

"I hope you rot in a dumpster, you filthy piece of gar-" The bread froze mid-sentence, her eyes widening as she looked around at the sunny plane, and the other objects around her. "What the..."

"AHHH!" A green backpack yelled as he appeared flying through the air beside her. She ducked and the backpack face-planted in the dirt. He pushed himself up and looked around, confused.

Bryce brushed himself off and stood up, his headache throbbing painfully. What was going on?!?!

"Hello contestants. My name is...sorry" A deep, dull voice boomed from the sky. Bryce winced, the loud voice making his headache much worse. Where was it coming from?!?!

"Is this better?..." The voice quieted down, still sounding very bored. "Hello contestant, I am your host, Airy. Welcome to this competition... called ONNNNNNE..."

Everyone stared up at the sky, speechless. What the heck was going on?!?!

"Where are we?!?!" Bryce yelled, shaking his fist up at the sky. He was not in the freaking mood for this crap.

"Oh wait... I forgot something..." Airy droned, and then everything went silent.

The pink magazine sat down and hugged her knees, rocking back and forth with wide eyes, whispering to herself. The candle walked over and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Deep breaths..." She instructed the magazine, who paused and looked up at her, before taking her advice, slowly calming down.

Bryce began pacing back and forth, staring at the ground and talking to himself, "I can't stay here! I've got work tomorrow morning, and I have to pay the rent! It's going to be hard enough as it is..."

The backpack was standing off to the side, watching everyone else with a blank expression, trying to make sense of... anything that's happening right now. The moldy bread was slowly approaching the baby, who gurgled completely unperturbed, with an uncertain look on her face.

What if... (hfjONE-shots)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum