...Tomato Wasn't Eliminated (Pt.2)

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What up Edgelings!

Woah! Two updates in one day! I'm feeling accomplished!

Thank you guys so much for all the suggestions on this! I do plan on using most of them, but if you don't see your suggestion being used in this, that means I'm probably going to write it into part 3!


"So for your next challenge you need to-"

"Gaaaaaahhhhhh Naaaaaahhhh Aaaaaahhhh," Tomato sang loudly in baby-talk in his playpen on the cave floor as Airy tried to explain the next challenge to the contestants on the Plane.

"Airy, what the heck is that noise? And don't tell me you don't hear it, it's been happening all the time!" Soda Bottle demanded, narrowing his eyes at the invisible host in the sky.

"Uhhh..." Airy stuttered, unsure how to answer. Tomato was supposed to be eliminated, so he couldn't tell the other contestants he was still here. "I... don't hear anything..."

"What the heck, are you deaf, Airy?!" Scenty exclaimed furiously.

Airy ignored her comment, and turned to look at the baby tomato who had stopped singing and began whining. He had only been here a few hours, and already was being much more of a nuisance than Airy ever expected. But Airy... found that he didn't mind...

Tomato yawned and rubbed his eyes, then continued pouting.

Oh... he's tired...

"Um... I'll be... right back..." Airy announced to the contestants on the Plane, putting off the challenge until later as he got up from his stool and walked over to Tomato.

"What?! Airy? Airy! Airy get back here right now! You need to explain wh-!" Moldy yelled in outrage, her voice slowly fading away as Airy scooped up the sleepy baby and walked through the vine curtain out of the cave.

Tomato yawned again, relaxing into Airy's arms, snuggling up against his metal chest. Airy froze for a moment, feeling... warmth deep inside him as he looked down at the baby. It had been a long time since he felt anything like this... had he ever felt anything like this?

He smiled as Tomato's eyelids fluttered shut. Airy carried him into his little doorless cabin, and laid him down atop his own bed, doing his best to cover the small child with soft reed heads. Tomato cuddled up in the makeshift covers and began to snore lightly.

Airy stepped back, and observed how high up off the floor Tomato was. He could roll over and fall out...

Airy would need to make Tomato his own bed, one with walls to keep him in it, and he would need reeds to make it soft...

He sighed, realizing with disappointment that he probably would have to wait and do the next challenge of ONE tomorrow.

He headed out of the cabin, grabbing his homemade ax from where it leaned on the side of the hut. He headed out into the meadow he had created by chopping down several trees to build his log home. As he walked through the forest around the clearing, trying to pick a decent tree to cut down, he paused for a moment.

He listened to his surroundings, and he heard silence. He looked around him, and saw emptiness. He was used to the nothingness of this world, perfect though it may be otherwise. The complete and total lack of life other than himself.

...and now Tomato.

Airy felt a tiny grin spread on his face as he thought about the little guy. That's right... He wasn't alone anymore.

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