...Tomato Wasn't Eliminated (Pt.3)

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Waddup Edgelings?!

OMAGASHOMAGASHOMAGASHOMAGASHOMAGASH!!!!! I'M BACK Y'ALL!!!!!! I feel kinda silly posting that announcement yesterday now... but hey I'll take it! It's great to be back!!!!

So sorry for the late update guys!!! I had some... family issues... and let's just say that it's a miracle this fic still exists! So yay! Just be thankful for that...

But anyways, even though I haven't been posting, I've still been writing, so my way of making it up to you will be that I'm going to publish a new chapter everyday for at least a week!!! So you can look forward to that!!

Anyways... Episode 8 time ;)


"I've got to... go do something..."

"Oh... Wait one second..."

"I'll be back... in a minute..."

"I need... to take care of something..."

Liam and the rest of the contestants were getting sick of it. Airy never failed to just leave them for hours at a time for no reason, strange noises always in the background. Sometimes he would just leave right in the middle of a challenge, and they would have to do it all over again.

But ONE continued, run by a slow and very distracted host, but it continued nonetheless.

Liam was sitting and slouching against one of the poles, his mind full of turmoil, still trying to cope with the fact that he had... literally... died... He could still feel the water pressing down on him from all sides, his lungs full of the heavy liquid, burning like fire. He could still hear the static ringing in his ears, a reminder of his vision of Stone.

Amelia walked up to him, "Hey, how are you doing?"

Liam looked up at her, before dropping his gaze to the triangular grass, "I'm fine... I guess..."

Amelia gave him a sad, sympathetic smile, "Well, at least you're going home soon, whenever Airy gets back from... whatever he does..."

"What do you think those noises are?" Liam asked.

"I really don't know. They go away whenever Airy does... I don't know if that means anything."

Amelia sat down beside him, but didn't say anything else.

"Alright we CAN!..." a voice suddenly rang out from the sky, followed by a shuffling noise. Huh, that was a new one... Airy actually sounded startled for once, "...start the elimination now..." he continued in the usual monotonous tone.

Suddenly everyone was teleported into a straight line. Amelia gave Liam an encouraging smile, and he smiled back. He felt hope buzzing through him. He was finally leaving...

"Ok... the person eliminated... IS!!!!" Airy shrieked suddenly, a crash followed by the shattering of glass ensued. Everyone looked up at the sky in fearful shock, hearing only Airy's pained groans. "I-I need to..." he whimpered, the faint sound of tapping accompanying his weak voice.

With a pop, suddenly a little baby Tomato appeared on the Plane next to Liam, who stared down at him in disbelief.

"T-Take... care of..." Airy attempted to say, his voice fading and the remaining half of his vision going dark. A second crash sounded, and then there was silence.

"What the..." Liam mouthed, unable to take his eyes off the baby at his feet.

Tomato looked up at him, a carved wood figurine in his little hands. But his smile turned into a look of childish confusion as he comprehended his new surroundings. "Aiwy?"

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