...Airy was a Tiny Co-Host (Pt.5)

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Hey there Edgelings!

Welcome to part 5 of the OLS AU!!! I've been excited for this chapter for a while now!! Things are going to get interesting real quick!! I'm just going to briefly glance over episodes two, three, four, and five... and I'm going to focus a lot on episode six.

Geez, wonder why that would be important with this new permanent death mechanic? What would episode six have anything to do with death??? ;););)

Lol, guess you'll just have to find out.


The sun didn't rise, just as it hadn't set, but it did move. No one could see it though, because the light within the ginormous glass globe was dark. Airy had been counting the seconds for quite a while now, and was beginning to think that the 'night' had lasted long enough. He closed his eyes and concentrated, the light within his head gradually growing. It didn't flash on abruptly like a lightswitch, but slowly increased like the headlights of a car approaching from a far distance.

"Good morning Lantern." Airy's dull voice rumbled as he opened his eyes and watched the tiny green planet hanging from his golden hood.

He smiled tenderly as Lantern sat up and yawned, but his smile faded into a frown as he watched the other inhabitants of his Plane. He did not like them. He did not understand why Lantern wanted them there, but they did seem to make him happy, so Airy would deal with it...

... for now...

Lantern rubbed his drooping eyelids, squinting as he adjusted to the new light. He reached up and tugged on the vines tied around his hood, making sure his patch was still secure on his head. After that was done, he looked around, watching as the other objects slowly awakened.

"Oh my gosh, it wasn't a dream!" Magazine yelped once she opened her eyes.

"Of course it wasn't a dream," Backpack sneered, dark patches sagging beneath his eyes. The pain of his broken leg and the discomfort of the rough wooden cast had kept him awake all 'night'.

Moldy stood up and stretched, Scenty sat on the ground thinking deeply, and Soda Bottle didn't get up. He just laid on the grass and stared up at the sky.

Hmm... Lantern thought to himself as he watched the contestants... Airy said he planned on doing two challenges a day... if that happened... then the game would be over really soon... Lantern's face remained blank, but inside he felt deep disappointment. He liked this game. He liked the contestants. He didn't want them all to go away yet.

"Airy...?" Lantern's voice wobbled slightly.


"Can you... bring more contestants?"

"Wait what?!" Moldy abruptly stopped stretching and exclaimed.

Soda Bottle quickly sat up, "You can't be serious!"

"No," Airy responded stiffly, "Why do you need more?"

"Because... I want the game... to keep going..." Lantern explained, innocently oblivious to the others' disgust.

"No... this is what we already talked about," Airy said firmly, and for once the other objects wholeheartedly agreed with him, giving each other relieved glances. They wanted this to be over as soon as possible.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeease?" Lantern begged pitifully, looking up at the sky with wide, imploring eyes.

Silence reigned.

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