...Airy was a Dad (Pt.4)

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How've ya been Edgelings?!

Foster AU (Pt.4)

It's finally time for the chapter you've all been waiting for! Bryce is going to learn a little lesson, but probably not in the way you might expect... It has to do with a reference, but that's the only hint I'm gonna give ya!


11 years ago...

It was a bright midsummer day in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Puffy white clouds wafted across the sky, covering the sun enough to provide some relief from the summer heat. Parents relaxed and chatted on benches in the shade while their children squealed and played on playground equipment in the park. Couples walked around downtown, dipping in and out of little shops dotting the sides of the main street.

Pigeons cooed and darted around, pecking up the crumbs left by pedestrians. It was a wonderful day for those who sold food from street stalls, because everyone was outside on a beautiful day like this. You had to take advantage of such weather when you lived this far north, for the winters were fierce.

On a day like this, many people treated their children to a cold cup of sweet, creamy ice cream. School was still far away from their minds, and for most kids, today was a great day.

But one six year old in particular didn't think today was a great day. In fact, today might just be one of the worst days of his young life. He wasn't outside enjoying the summer warmth, he stayed inside a yellow-painted lobby, sitting alone on a sparsely cushioned bench, staring out the window with a blank gaze.

A small table with colorful beads on thick wires was set up in the corner of the room, just like the ones you normally see in doctor office waiting rooms. But this young boy didn't feel like playing with the toy. He didn't feel like doing anything.

His whole world had come crashing down only a week ago, and he was a very long way from recovering.

Suddenly the doorknob to the lobby turned, and a familiar face appeared from behind it. "Hey Bryce, your new foster family is almost here. How are you feeling?" The tall floral vase asked the small soda bottle.

"I don't want a new family." Bryce mumbled, dropping his gaze to the floor, swinging his legs back and forth.

"Why is that sweetie?" Ms. Kindle questioned gently, walking over and sitting next to the kid, laying a hand on his back and rubbing it in soothing circular motions.

Tears welled up in the boy's eyes, and his small voice quivered, "I just want my sister back."

"Mm... I'm sorry sweetie..." Ms. Kindle hummed sympathetically, smiling sadly at the poor child.


Outside a bronze lantern walked along the sidewalk, his nerves jittering like a thousand tiny ping-pong balls bouncing around. He looked over at the park, watching the kids playing on the slides and swings. A small smile cracked on his face.

He thought he was ready. He hoped he was ready.

He found a good job, a decent sized house. He worked from home. Certainly he was ready...

But he didn't feel very ready, no amount of parenting books could make him feel ready.

He was only fostering, not adopting. If it went terribly wrong, he could always let the kid go to a better home. He hoped that wouldn't happen though. He wanted this to go well. He wanted to open this new chapter of his life.

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