...Airy was a Dad

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What if...Airy was a Dad.

Above is the original video that kinda gave me the idea for this AU!! My comment is still on there lol.

Alright, don't take this one too seriously. I wrote it mostly for laughs, though there is an actual plot to it. It's a bit more goofy than my normal style, but I enjoyed it.

Basically it's an AU where Airy is the adoptive father of all the Season 1, Batch 1 contestants, and they all live on Earth and do normal stuff as a family. Batch 2 contestants are their cousins, and Batch 3 contestants are their more distant relatives. No it doesn't make sense, but the plot does actually follow something similar to the original series, just goofier I guess.

Things to note:

#1 - So in this AU Airy never died, he's just chilling on earth with his kids. None of the characters know about the Waiting Room and all that stuff. He never had an extreme isolation period, but still maintains the same monotone, blank personality for the most part.

#2 - I changed the ages of all the characters except Charlie and Airy, who's still an adult obviously.

Bryce is the oldest at 17.

Charlotte is next at 16.

Liam is 14.

Amelia is 10.

Taylor is the second youngest at 6.

Bruh... I just realized that Airy has to be like the most crazy single dad ever to deal with all those teenagers... I would know cause I am one...

#3 - Ignore the fact that Airy's name is still Airy even though it doesn't make sense because here he never was a host... Just go with it.


Airy rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms above his head as he took a break from working on the computer. He had the screen set on dark mode with the brightness down, but it still made his eyes hurt after a while. Not to mention that he just needed to move around every once in a while.

His eyes roamed his office, landing on the many pictures hung on the walls. All of them pictures of his kids. They were his entire life after all.

Suddenly, he heard a staticy gurgle break the silence of the room. Airy looked at the little monitor screen setting on his desk beside his computer. It was hooked up to the camera in Charlie's room. Airy watched the low-quality, black and white video feed for a minute. Charlie was awake alright.

Airy pushed his desk chair back and got up to go see about him. He opened the door to walk into the hall, but suddenly stopped as he remembered something. He spun around and quickly walked back over to the computer to save the code he had been working on, in case the computer rebooted while he was gone. Airy sighed in relief as he turned back and headed out of the office. He would hate to lose today's progress.

He walked up the stairs, and opened Charlie's bedroom door, flipping the light switch and heading over to the crib. The little green tomato squinted up at the bronze lantern, adjusting to the sudden light. Charlie stretched his small hands up towards Airy,

"Da-da up-y."

Airy grinned and scooped the baby up, cradling him. "Did you... have a good nap?" he asked Charlie in his deep, dull voice. Charlie sneezed in reply. Adorable.

Airy carried Charlie back down the stairs to his office. He set him down in the pack-n-play beside his desk, then sat down in his chair with a sigh. Charlie pulled himself up on the sides of the pack-n-play, standing up and watching as Airy began typing on the keyboard. After a minute, Charlie sat back down and began playing with the toys Airy kept in there for him, content.

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