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"Where are you going?" The man in sweatpants asks the little girl who stood by the door putting on her shoes.

"Out." She mutters rolling her eyes, all she really wanted was to be left alone.

"Out where?" He asks with the raise of a brow. It was quite clear he wasn't just going to let her leave the house without a barrage of questions.

Questions she didn't want to answer.

"Out the house, the fuck else would I go?" She replies back in the exact same manner he'd spoken to her the day before "Now mind your business and stop asking me stupid questions."

"You little brat!"

Ming doesn't even wait for him to get up from the couch before she's sprinting out the house with a laugh.

She really found his anger comical. Not just that but she also found the fact that he really thought he was there to stay comical as well.

She'd give it just two weeks and he'd be gone just like the others.

A lot of times she really tried to understand her mother, really she did but she just couldn't. She couldn't understand why she dated and dumped men like it was nothing.

She couldn't even remember a time when her mother was all lovey dovey with them like the movies she sometimes watched. She just treated them as friends, unnecessarily close friends? But not the whole 'romantic I'm going to get married to you one day' type of friends.

She remembers vividly hearing her mom cry sometimes, the reason? She couldn't exactly pinpoint. But she did say a few names.. Olivia? Otina? She couldn't really remember. Even a name that started from R..

Besides those times she's never heard her mom cry. If not for her little eavesdropping moments. She'd think her mom was capable of no other emotion but anger and the occasional smiles.

Sometimes, on days like this she wondered about her dad. Her biological father. She didn't know who he was, she'd never met him before and her mom never even talked about it.

She'd asked about him once before but Carol just dismisses it and tells her something along the lines of 'you're still too young', she wasn't satisfied with that answer in the slightest. If anything it'd only piqued her interest the more.

Finally after a ten minute walk she'd finally arrived before the convenience store, where she wanted to buy a few snacks for herself with some of the little money her mother had given her on her seventh birthday which was just a few weeks ago.

She walked down the aisle of snacks deciding what she'd pick when she felt herself collide with someone much bigger than she was.

The impact wasn't heavy enough for her to fall back, just enough to startle her a little.

"Hey! Watch were you're going!" She frowns looking up at the older girl who just chuckles.

"Actually you bumped into me so I'd say you should watch where you're going."

Ming just stares at the girl for awhile, "Where have I seen y— oh you're the girl from the amusement park!"

Beyoncé just let's out a little smile, looking at the girl that looked so much like her girlfriend. There was literally no need to prove it, she was Onika's sister all right.

"Yeah. The one you said you were gonna laugh at." The blonde says picking up a bag of Cheetos.

She'd actually come here to buy Onika a few snacks to maybe lighten up her mood a bit.

They were just heading back home from school and the younger girl had refused to leave the car or follow her in and Beyoncé choosing to respect that and not force her into following just let her be.

"Yeah, I was gonna laugh at you. You and your friend are too old for bumper cars." She chuckles picking up a Pringle can. "I'm Ming, by the way. You?"


"I like your name. It sounds nice."

"I like yours too."

"Don't lie. It's a terrible name. I don't even like it myself."

Beyoncé smiles at the girl's extroverted and outgoing personality. "But I like it, for real. What does it mean?"

"I don't know. Ask my mom."

Beyoncé had to literally bite back her tongue from making a snarky remark at the mention of Carol. This little clueless girl knew nothing about anything and she wasn't going to be the one to burst her bubble.

When the time was right. She'd find out.

They both went and paid for their things, with Beyoncé paying for the younger girls snacks as well, which brings a lot of joy to her. She smiles wide stuffing her little change into her pocket as she clings on to the blonde who was about leaving the store.

"I really like you Beyoncé. Maybe we'll meet again soon."

"Maybe." Beyoncé smiles spotting Onika in the car with the seat reclined back and her eyes closed. "Hey, is your house close by?" She asks seeing the girl about to walk away.

"Not so much but I can walk the distance. I'm seven and mature for my age. My mom's boyfriends say that sometimes." Beyoncé scrunches her face up at the information.

She really wondered about the child's living conditions.

"You need a ride?"

"First you pay for my stuff. Now you want to give me a ride. I'm starting to think you like me." The little girl smirks with a hand on her hip.

"Girl, aren't you seven?" Beyoncé questions completely taken aback by the kids personality. She was in no way similar to Onika in terms of character and behaviour.

"Seven, smart and sassy."

Beyoncé laughs at that, "You want the ride or not?"

"I'll definitely take the ride. It's too hot out."

They both walk the distance to Beyoncé's car with Ming just staring at Onika's calm expression.

"Is she dead?" She whispers out towards Beyoncé who just shakes her head opening the back door for the little girl.

Onika's eyes open at the sound of the door, turning around in her seat just to come face to face with her little sister.

They both just stared at each other for a long time till Ming decided to speak up, "You're like really pretty but can you stop staring at me?"

Onika looks to Beyoncé with a questioning expression, "I saw her in the store and offered her a ride home since I didn't see her parents."

".. and she likes me." Ming was quick to add.

"No I don't. But yeah."

Onika just nods looking away from the kid and Beyoncé and just looking out the window. She didn't really have it in her to interact with either of them in the moment.

.. especially the kid.

Beyoncé drops the girl off at her house which surprisingly enough wasn't so for from theirs, maybe a five or so minutes drive and ten minutes walking distance.

"Bye Beyoncé and her friend!" The kid smiles waving at them as they zoom out her driveway.

She really hoped she'd see more of them around. They really piqued her interest, especially the quiet one that she thought oddly looked a lot like her.


Hey y'all 😊 New update cause I'm nice 😜






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