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"Solange hurry up!" I yelled at Solange who was taking her precious time putting her shoes on.

My mom had refused to help her tie the laces since she knew how to do them but was just acting like a little brat this morning.

"Don't rush me! I'll be done when I'm done!" She sassed right back just to get hit upside the head by our mom which makes me laugh.. she deserved that.

"Don't get you ass whooped this morning and get into that car!" She warned referring to our dad who was already outside waiting for us in the car.

Solange just grumbled tying the last of her laces before following me out to the car.

I'm much more syked about going to school today than I was yesterday because at least now I've made a friend.

I even brought some comics for us to read during recess since she didn't really like going out to play with the other kids.. although I would try getting her to play outside but if she wasn't comfortable then we'd just stay in and play games.

"Have a good day at school girls." My dad called out as he pulled up in the school's parking lot.

"We will. See you later Dad!" I replied back getting out the car with a still sulking Solo besides me, she really didn't want to come to school today for some reason.

"Have a good day Sol." He calls out once more noticing her sulking face but she just grumbles with a nod walking into the school building which causes both my dad and I to chuckle.


I walked into class happy. I don't even think I've ever been this happy in the mornings. I'm usually in a pissy mood but for some reason I was really happy today.

"Good morning Ms Whyte!" I greeted before skipping over to my seat bypassing the few hi's and hey's along the way to my seat but my smile had dampened the moment I'd seen the seat besides mine empty.

Slowly and with a deep frown I took a seat wondering why Onika hadn't come to school today. I even brought more sandwiches for us to share..


Classes today were a bit interesting, we read stories during English period but still I wasn't all that happy anymore since Onika wasn't in school.

During recess some girls had come up to ask if I'd play with them, I didn't really want to but then again I didn't want to have no friends besides Onika either.


"Good. I'm Mira. That's Megan. That's Kimberly and over there's Alexis."


We all went out to the playground but barely ten minutes into playing with them and I was already bored. All they wanted to do was swing and talk about cute boys.

Pretty boring if you ask me.

While swinging slowly not really into their conversation I'd spotted Trevor playing ball with a few boys from my class and some in the higher classes.

I'd rather play with them.


"Where you going?" The girls asked me as I got off the swings.

"Over there." I pointed towards the boys with a questioning expression which causes them to start blushing.

"To do what?" Kimberly asks in this high pitched, giggly voice.

"Uh.. to play?"

"Why'd you want to play with the boys?" Mira snorts.

"Cause y'all boring." I shrug walking away from them, their questions were beginning to get a lil annoying.

"Beyoncé!" Trevor calls out before I even got there causing all heads to turn towards me.

"Ooh Trevor has a girlfriend!" Someone calls out causing us to both look towards one another at the same time.

"Eww!" We both stated loudly.

"Wait what's that supposed to mean?" I ask rolling my eyes. I'm pretty and he's crazy.

"The same reason you said eww about me too!"

"Fair enough." I shrug.

"Can I date you then?" Some boy who looked like he might've been in the 4th or 5th grade asks.

"No you can't Shawn I was gonna ask first!" Some other light skinned boy states loudly and soon a full blown argument starts about who's gonna date me when all I wanted to do was just play ball.

I'm not even old enough to date and even if I was I wouldn't date any of these boys.

"Okay! Can y'all shut up? She ain't dating none of y'all! Let's play before recess is over!" Trevor interrupts their stupid argument finally calling attention to my reason for being here.

"Can I join y'all?" I ask but they all just started laughing... well all except Trevor.

"This is a boy's game, you can't handle it princess so no." The boy I now knew as Shawn says causing most of the boys to laugh.

"Beyoncé's gon' dust y'all asses man. I played with her before." Trevor says which makes me smile.

"She ain't gon' do anything. You just a lil simp." Someone else calls out.

"Aight bet." I say making Shawn who might've been the oldest of the group turn to look at me.

"Just know I'm not gonna go easy on you just cause you're a girl."

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

We played till recess was over and like I guessed I and Trevor's team beat Shawn's 3-0 btw he's a sore loser.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover." I laughed as he sulked. Trevor teasing him to make it worse.

"You got beat by a girl dude."

"Shut up. She plays better than you!"

"So you admit I play good?" I smirk feeling real good about myself.

He just shrugs, "Believe what you want to believe."


The rest of the school day was extremely boring with me spending the second half hoping I'd see Onika after school.

Or better yet she'd come out to play with us later.






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