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With every move Shawn took towards Onika she was quick to step back. It was like a predator trying to catch his prey.

Onika's breathing had increased same with the beating of her heart. Her mind was running a mile a minute.

She just couldn't understand what Shawn wanted with her. What he was trying to do? Why he even disliked her in the first place?

She'd never even spoken to him before!

"You're gay, aren't you?" The boy asks placing a hand on the wall just behind Onika's head where she was trapped between it and Shawn's musty smell.

Gay? Onika had never really thought about her sexuality much. She did know she liked Beyoncé but was she gay? She didn't know.

"I d-don't know?"

"You don't know means you're gay." Shawn says frowning and just a second later it looked like a light switch had turned on, on his head.

"You like Beyoncé don't you? You gay little motherfucker! You want her for yourself!"

Onika flinched at his suddenly loud tone of voice. She'd never liked loud sounds so his sudden volume rising really freaked her.

She wasn't trying to steal Beyoncé from anybody and even if it came to that, she knew Beyoncé much longer than he did.

"You turned her against her own friends just so she could be with your sick little deranged ass. We were finally getting somewhere!"

"No you were not! And if you know what is good for you I'd advice you step your oversized ass away from her." The sound of Beyoncé's voice causes Onika to let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

Shawn steps back from Onika with a frown on his face looking towards Beyoncé.

"I wasn't doing nothing B. We were just talking weren't we?" Shawn says gripping on tightly to Onika's arm who just nods stiffly.

"Get your hand off her and I heard everything your stupid ass said so don't even try lying unless you want your ass suspended if we're lucky expelled for sexual harassment."

"B come on..." Shawn whined out "I wasn't even doing nun!"

Beyoncé just straight faced him with her arms crossed, "get out.."

Shawn already knowing that Beyoncé's threats weren't empty just storms out the room. Now his chances at getting Beyoncé was absolutely completely non existent.

Beyoncé doesn't even get the chance to say anything after as Onika rushes past her and out the room leaving her there to drown in guilt.

She felt like it was all her fault that Onika had to go through this. Shawn wouldn't have had a problem with her if he didn't feel threatened by her.

Onika had now become a target just because she wouldn't entertain Shawn's advances.

Beyoncé soon rushes after the younger girl. The bell had just then rung signalling the break period was over and so the halls had become crowded with students and considering how short Onika was Beyoncé couldn't even see her in the crowd.

And so by the time the place had finally calmed down some she couldn't even spot the girl.

Beyoncé just sighed out going to her next class, now her mood was going to be pissy for the rest of the day.

"Glad you finally decided to join us." Mr Wilkins annoying ass was quick to say the moment she opened the classroom door.

Ignoring his statement Beyoncé just went over to her assigned seat. Completely ignoring Shawn's presence she rests her head on the desk noticing that Onika wasn't in the class.

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