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Beyoncé had left the class only a minute later. She couldn't stand her friends teasing. How could someone she wasn't even sure she knew dislike her?

Was it something on her face?

But as far as she was concerned, she was the sexiest person she knew.

Or maybe the girl just had unsolved issues that had nothing to do with her.

Yeah, the latter was probably the reason. She couldn't fault herself for whatever might've been going on in the girls head. She didn't even know her.

Or did she?

Her eyes.. Her eyes were familiar.

It reminded her of someone she didn't really like speaking about often. It'd been almost ten years already. She'd told herself she'd gotten over it.

It was hard then but now it was much easier. Onika was only a part of her past. A sour topic for her...

They were supposed to be best friends  but Onika never called back. Even on days she'd call, the girl wouldn't pick up.

And finally just when she thought she could finally get a hold of the girl. Robert had been the one to pick up. He said Onika didn't want to speak to her and had already gotten other friends.

Said she should stop calling, Onika had moved on and she was just a painful reminder of her past.

Although Beyoncé didn't want to believe Robert's words. What could she do? Onika never called.


She'd left to the bathroom to rinse her face and regroup. She didn't like the feeling she was getting deep within her. It was sudden and unexpected. The whole day had just been a little off.

Beyoncé looked at her reflection in the bathrooms mirror pulling out the necklace still hanged around her neck and before you know it the first tear had slipped from her eye.

They might've been just kids but Onika's ghosting sure did hurt.

Luckily for her she was the only one in the bathroom otherwise this would've been real awkward for whoever else was in there with her.

... And it sure was.

One of the stall doors soon opened causing Beyoncé to jump back in a startle hurriedly wiping her eyes.. this was embarrassing.

She'd seen the reflection of the person through the bathrooms mirror causing her to spin around fast.

The girl looked like a deer caught in head lights, you could literally feel the tension in the bathroom grow a hundred percent.

"I know you." Beyoncé says and although that would sound extremely weird for a third party to hear. The both girls knew what she meant by those words.

Beyoncé walks closer to the girl but with every step she took forwards the girl was taking one back.

Her eyes suddenly fell down to Beyoncé's neck and the chain hanging around it. Her eyes focused on it for a minute, softening as realization was soon beginning to hit the both of them like a catastrophic trainwreck.



Beyoncé's look of realization soon turned into one of great anger as she stormed out of the bathroom.

This was a disaster! Onika wasn't even sure why the universe was doing this to her. She was more than definitely not expecting to reunite with her childhood best friend in such manner.

What was she to say to her?

How would she explain the circumstances as to why she couldn't call?

How could she explain to Beyoncé how she'd been physically and mentally tortured everyday by her father from the very day they'd moved.

Yes. Robert's change of character was all a front. He didn't care about Onika. He wasn't trying to better himself for her.

He just wanted to get the suspicious eyes of people off him. He'd carefully planned and curated it all and when he'd finally gotten the chance he'd up and left Houston.

He beat Onika senseless the very day they'd moved. Onika didn't expect it. He'd never hit her before but now she could see it. He'd harboured such a great amount of hatred, distaste and any other synonym that could be used for her.

He made her cut off all communication with the Knowles family and threatened her everyday of her life leading up to this moment she was back in Houston.

No, she didn't live in the same neighborhood she had before. Incase the Knowles family still resided there he'd gotten them a house far away from theirs.

What he didn't know and would never know is that she and her ex-bestfriend were attending the same highschool.


Onika sat alone during lunch as she'd rejected all requests from anyone to sit with them. She didn't even talk so there weren't a lot of people that'd even asked anyways.

Just a bunch of horny teenage boys.

Her anxiety had gotten increasingly worse over the years and she'd become extremely quiet. She didn't speak unless spoken to and even that was at a minimum.

Being in this cafeteria made her extremely anxious but she didn't want to seem weird or different and become a subject to bullying.

She ate her food remotely fast seeing as Robert barely ever let her have food at home.

While getting up to drop the tray she could feel eyes on her, well she'd felt like that all of lunch period but this time she felt inclined to look.

And as she'd probably expected.

There Beyoncé sat with her group of friends — something Onika lacked — staring straight at her.

They had a mini staring contest until Onika had ducked her head dropping her tray and speed walking out the cafeteria.

She really wanted to explain things to Beyoncé. If only the girl would let her.


So.. double update. I couldn't make y'all wait in suspense.. that'd be terrible 😌😗


They finally met yayyy 😃



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