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The walk back home was completely unnerving. Hopefully my father wouldn't be home just yet. It wasn't even that late, it was only a little after six.

My walk was quiet as I try to get used to the neighborhood. I hadn't really spent a lot of time looking around since we moved here.

Only a few minutes later and I see myself before the one story house that was now occupied by my father and I. I see the light in the living room was on and just in that moment I could feel my heart literally drop to my ass.

He's going to kill me!

Umm.. maybe there's a way I can sneak back up?

What am I even thinking that isn't possible, my room is upstairs and I can't even climb a tree— there's a tree just outside my window.

I carefully opened the door expecting to meet a fist to my face or my dad screaming at the top of his lungs but was instead met with the sight of his passed out form on the living room couch surrounded by beer bottles.

I breathe out in relief closing the door quietly behind me before I then trudge up the stairs slowly.

I make sure to keep my bedroom door locked behind me as I go to get out of my dirty outside clothes.

'You're really pretty just thought I'd say that' 

Beyoncé's words kept playing over and over in my head.. she really thought I was pretty.

Am I?

No one has ever called me that before.

It feels a little weird to be called that.. but like a good kind of weird.

After changing into a pair of pajamas, I climb into my bed just now really looking at the iphone Beyoncé had gifted me.

She really gave me a phone just because she wanted to talk to me more often.. who does that?

Beyoncé. Beyoncé is who.

She's just really nice and really funny for no reason. She could've just acted like she didn't know me from the first day I came to school and basically ignored my whole existence but she didn't.

She didn't treat me terribly like a lot of other people.

I'm not even interesting to be around or anyone special to talk to but for some reason she was willing to rekindle our friendship.

Really what did I do to deserve someone like her?

The dinging sound of the phone causes me to switch it on seeing a message pop up from 'Bumble🍯🐝' which causes a wide smile to appear on my face. I honestly didn't expect her to still remember the nicknames we'd given one another.

Bumble🍯🐝: Hey
                          : U got home safe ?

:Yeah I did and thanks 4 asking
: U?

: Yh I'm at home
So uh what u doing?

: Nothing rlly. I'm 'bout
to sleep tho

:At six pm ??!? 😦

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at how dramatic she was being. I know it is pretty early but then again I have absolutely nothing to do so might as well catch some zzz's.

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