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"Have a good first day at school okay. No rough play. Don't come back dirty and make sure you lis—"

"Yes mom! I get it. Be good." I sighed out as my mom helped me tie my hair up in a bun.

My mom just rolled her eyes looking at me with a deadpan look through the mirror. I know she thought I wouldn't do any of the things she'd just asked me to do but I'mma good kid. She should be more worried about Solange not me.

Solange who's hair had already been tied up just wouldn't sit down and eat her breakfast and I could already tell my mom was just a second away from smacking her with the comb.

"Sit down Sol!" My mom stated sternly turning to her with a serious look which made her pout sinking down into her chair but she still wouldn't eat the already soggy cereal in the bowl.

While I had already finished eating everything in my bowl.

Daddy walked down not even a minute later already dressed and ready for work. Mommy put on the last few bows in my hair which made me scrunch my face up in the mirror.

I'm definitely taking those off in the car.

I grabbed my backpack and followed dad to the car with Solange hot on my trail and my mom screaming for her to stop running in the house.


As we drove by the multiple houses on our way to the elementary school where I'd be starting up third grade I couldn't help but think of how it'd be like.

I hoped the other girls wouldn't find me weird for preferring to hang out with the boys over them.

I hoped the teacher would be nice and that I'd have a great day and term but then again I'd never know if I never went.

By the time we got to school all the pink colored bows had already been removed from my hair and put in my backpack.

My dad didn't question me removing it since he knew I didn't like them. My mom just loved dressing me up all girly although she knew I didn't really like wearing dresses all that much.

I liked wearing them sometimes but not all the time but she just wouldn't listen and keeps dressing me up in them all the time.. although I'm already old enough to be picking out my own outfits!

Daddy led us up to the classes, dropping Solange off at her classroom first before leading me towards mine.

He'd kissed me on my forehead whispering a soft, "Have a good first day. I'll see you later, okay?"

I just nod smiling up at him as my teacher then leads me into the classroom full of students.

At least 17 in total. "Class!" She calls their attention and all eyes fall on me instantly which makes me a little shy.

"We have a new student in our midst today. Do you mind introducing yourself?" She says nudging me a little.

I just nod, "Hi I'm Beyoncé. Beyoncé Knowles." I say as confidently as I possibly could.

"You're so pretty!" I hear a girl say from the back and then a bunch of other compliments were thrown at me which makes me smile wide.

"Umm.. okay Beyoncé. You can sit over there in the seat next to Onika." Our teacher says pointing me to the only empty seat in the classroom.

It was right besides a girl who had her head down with her hair blocking the view of her face. I'd noticed she was the only one that hadn't said anything since I'd walked in but I didn't mind... maybe she was just a little shy is all.

I walked over taking a seat right besides her as the teacher introduces herself.

"Hello Class! My name's Mrs Whyte and I'll be your teacher for next few months. I hope you all c—" I basically tuned out everything she'd said after that looking into my bag for my pencil and notebook but had only seen my notebook.

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