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I didn't have a lot of nice outfits in my closet since my parents never really bothered to buy me things but I wanted to make a good impression on their family.

It took me a very long time to finally pick out an outfit which was just a pink sundress and white sandals that were just a tad bit small for my feet.

I didn't know how to do my hair so I'd just let it fall down my back combing it a little so it didn't look like a birds nest.

I waited patiently by the door for Mrs Tina whilst my mom stayed in the kitchen eating the things out the get well basket they'd gotten for me. I didn't even know what was inside it since she'd kept it for herself.

The sound of the doorbell ringing got me really jittery as I jumped up from the couch in excitement. I've never gone anywhere beyond home and school before I wonder where we'll be going.

I go to open the door but was beat to it by my mom who opens it sending a hard look my way. She'd already warned me not to let anything about our family spill while out with them and I could do nothing but obey. The consequences would be terrible if I didn't listen.

I'd seen Beyoncé and her mom standing there and for some reason it made me really nervous and shy. I don't know.

They both looked really good. I had to look over my outfit again hoping it wasn't bad.

After talking for a minute my mom finally let's me go with them. I shyly walk over to Beyoncé's side who grabs my hand almost immediately, "You look good. Do I look okay?" She asks to which I nod.

"You look nice." She looked better than nice but I didn't say that instead I blushed at her close proximity.

"I'm so excited you're gonna come with us! Trust me you're gonna love it!" Beyoncé couldn't stop talking as Mrs Tina leads us towards their house where I saw Beyoncé's father talking to Solange who had already gotten into the car.

A different one from the one Mrs Tina usually drove.. this was much bigger.

"G-Good Afternoon, Sir." I greet shyly squeezing Beyoncé's hand out of nervousness. I could feel her thumb brush over my hand as she sends a small smile my way.

"You don't have to be so formal princess but let's go shall we?"

I smile at the word 'princess' my dad had never called me that before. I wonder if that's what he usually called Bey and Solange.. must be nice.

Beyoncé tried helping me into the car but wasn't much help as she was just a little taller than I was but after a minute I got it.

Solange was at the window seat with Beyoncé in the middle and me at the other end.

The car ride was definitely not as quiet as my family home usually is.. at least when me or my mom aren't being yelled at. It was lively, both Mr and Mrs Knowles were singing to some olden days song I didn't even know the name of.

Don't tell them I said this.. but they aren't very good at singing.

Solange kept whining for them to stop, stating and I quote, "Stop please. It hurts my ears!"

I was actually scared for her when she'd said those words. I thought she'd get hit.. but she didn't? I was a little confused at that. I'd have gotten hit if I'd ever even thought to say that.

"What're you thinking about?" I hear Beyoncé whisper in my ear which brought me out my train of thoughts.

"N-nothing.." I mumble quietly. I couldn't help but feel a little out of place. I don't know if it was just me but I felt like I wasn't wanted here.

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