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Almost a year had passed by with Beyoncé being nine now and Onika eight.

They had moved up classes but were still as close as ever. They'd always spend hours hanging out in Beyoncé's treehouse— something her dad had built for her and her sister during the summer holidays.

They along with Onika had been begging for it for a long time before the man had finally given in and had it built for them.


"No. You didn't win!" Solange screams stomping her foot loudly on the floor of the treehouse but Beyoncé wasn't having any of that.

"I did win. Stop lying. You're just being a baby cause you lost!"

"I didn't!"

"You did!"

"I didn't!"


Both girls were soon cut off from their banter by the sounds of sniffles coming up the treehouse.

"Nic?" Beyoncé was quick to ask rushing over to the girl. Onika who was already crying fell into her arms in a sobbing heap.

"What happened?" Solange asks as they both move further into the tree house Beyoncé going to take a seat on one of the three beanbag chairs placed neatly in a circle pulling Onika into her lap.

The crying girl was finding it extremely hard to articulate her words and at that point Beyoncé could feel not only worry but anger brewing within her as well.

She sure hoped Onika's father had nothing to do with this..

"He- He.. I don't want to go B!" Onika cries out almost inaudibly which causes both girls to scrunch their faces up in confusion.

"Go where? You're not going anywhere." Beyoncé tries to reassure but Onika just shook her head still crying..

"W-We're moving!"

"Moving?" Both sisters call out at the same time in shock.

"Yeah he-he said so.." Onika continues to sniffle but Beyoncé was having none of it. She gently pulls Onika off her standing up from the beanbag chair in a rush.

"You're not going anywhere!" She states matter of factly "I'm gonna go tell him. You're not going anywhere. You can't leave me!"

Both Onika and Solange were quick to follow the girl as she hastily gets off the treehouse marching her way over to Onika's house.

"S-stop B." Onika faintly called out but it was no use, the girl had already made up her mind.

Beyoncé delivers rapid knocks to the front door of the house but after a minute of no reply she repeats the action.

"He's not around. He went out." Onika sniffles taking a seat on the front porch of her house with a deep frown on her face.

Solange was quick to put her head on the girls shoulder sporting a matching frown with Beyoncé still standing by the door a mad expression on her face.

Knowing Beyoncé she would be pissed off now and would then cry later.

"I don't want you to go." Solange mumbles to the older girl.

"I don't w-want to go either."

"Why do you have to move anyways?  Why? He has a job here. You go to school here so why??" Beyoncé questions a deep frown on her face.

"He said he got a new job and we have to move within a month.. b-but I don't want to go!"

"I don't want you to go either. I'll follow you if I have to!"

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