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"Where'd you go to?" Onika hears immediately she opens the door to Beyoncé's bedroom seeing the girl trying to make the bed.

"To talk to your dad." Onika says letting a small smile cross her face at the thought of actually staying with them.

The happiness and relief she felt knowing that she wouldn't have to go back to that God forsaken house or be put into the system completely unmatched.

"He told you huh?" Beyoncé smiles fluffing up the pillows on Onika's side.

"You knew?"

"Yeah. I mean obviously we weren't going to let you go back to that house."

Onika just nods with a small smile until a sudden thought flashed in her head making her frown.

"T-then that would make us sisters.. I mean well— foster sisters."

Beyoncé scrunched her face up at that. She didn't and wouldn't classify them as sisters.. just no.

She liked Onika—although she hadn't admitted it or made it known to her— so classifying them as sisters would just be wrong.

Friend zoned? More like sister zoned.


"I don't want us to be sisters."

".. Well damn." Onika mutters under her breath.

She didn't want them to be classified as siblings either but Beyoncé could have said it less harshly.. damn.

"No I mean— uh forget it. Let's go to bed."

"Talk to me Beyoncé." Onika says going over to take a seat at the foot of the bed as she watches the blonde try to avoid her eyes and seem busy although the bed was already made.

She smiles a little at the fake scenario she'd conjured up in her head. One where Beyoncé randomly brings out a flower from her pocket and confesses her undying love for her.

Snapping out her 'almost impossible' dream she looks towards Beyoncé who has a slightly nervous look on her face.

"I rather not say anything. I don't want to ruin our friendship."

"Nothing you say c-can ruin our friendship." Onika says scrunching her eyebrows wondering what Beyoncé could possibly have to say that had a chance of ruining their friendship.

Which to her was a virtually impossible thing to do.

"No you don't understand Onika." Beyoncé sighs out taking a seat on the bed refusing to look Onika in the eye. "This might sound extremely crazy and you might even hate me after this."

The way Beyoncé was talking made it seem like she had a dead body hidden under the bed.

"I like you Onika." Beyoncé breathes out slowly feeling a heavy weight being lifted off her chest.

Even if Onika didn't like her back, she was happy to finally be able to say it out.

"I like you too." Onika smiles reaching over to hold her hand but Beyoncé shrugs off the attempt standing up to her feet.

"No I don't think you understand Onika. I don't mean like friends. I'm talking about way more than that. I don't see you as a sister and I don't want to be considered just 'a friend' because I like you way past that point. I didn't say anything before because I knew you were going through a whole lot and I myself was still trying to figure these feelings out and then when I realised it I didn't want to tell you because I thought it'd make everything awkward and honestly I don't even know why I'm telling you this right now when I'd told me self not to."

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