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"Don't move. I'll get it for you."

Onika just rolls her eyes at Beyoncé's words as she watched the girl get off the bed before she even had a chance to protest.

Ever since she left the hospital and was brought to their home they wouldn't let her do anything on her own.. Beyoncé especially.

She acted like she was some sort of fragile vase that would break with just the slightest push.

"I can get a glass of water myself. I don't need help." Onika pouts crossing her arms.

"I didn't ask if you needed help I said I was going to do it. Don't argue with me." Beyoncé frowns mirroring her actions. She'd admit ever since Onika got back she had become extremely overprotective, she didn't want to leave her side not even for a second and although Onika understood why, it was still a bit overbearing.

Onika pouts as she watches Beyoncé leave the room— her room. Yes hers she wouldn't even let Onika take the guest room and insisted on them sharing rooms.

Onika wouldn't complain about that aspect, she liked sharing room with Beyoncé. They could spend hours talking about random things in the night if she was finding it hard to sleep, Beyoncé was a really clingy person so they always cuddled to sleep and honestly Onika liked the comfort.

.. It calmed her demons. Beyoncé was more or less like a safety blanket. Even her usual recurring nightmares weren't as frequent now as they were before.


Beyoncé walks back into the room handing the glass of water over to Onika not even bothering to acknowledge the pout on her face.

... She put this upon herself.

Plus she felt Onika was being extremely over dramatic, she'd only been out the hospital for two days and she was acting liked they'd caged her for twenty years!

The doctor said she needed bed rest but even despite her bruised ribs and black eye Onika still wanted to be moving around.

She wasn't even keeping her confined to one spot, she still let her move around.. just not all the time and unsupervised.

You couldn't really blame her, that incident had given her some form of trauma. Every time she looked at Onika she just felt like she needed to protect her at all costs.

Even if she wasn't in danger, Beyoncé would still be there. There was really no getting rid off her, Onika could try all she wanted it just wasn't possible.


"Mama said y'all should come down for dinner." Solange says peeking her head into the room where Beyoncé and Onika were watching a movie.

Well they were supposed to be watching it together but Onika was the only one paying attention, meanwhile Beyoncé was busy texting on her phone—much to the younger girls annoyance might I add.

"Okay we're coming." Beyoncé mumbles looking up "Is umm.. Is daddy home?" She asks with an indifferent look on her face.

But everyone knew it was just a front, in as much as she tried to act like her father's absence didn't bother her. It honestly did, she was a massive daddy's girl after all.

Matthew was trying his best that was for sure, ever since his 'talk' with his wife he tried to make himself much more present, especially with Onika in the house now— he already knew the girl was going through a lot, not only physically but emotionally too, he wanted to do his best to be present in not only her life but his children as well.

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